Programs from VCA

Jasen Glasbrennerweb

ATTENTION: Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint. Click here for daily electronic delivery of the day's top blogs from Virginia Christian Alliance.

The Truth Project by Focus on the Family

The Truth Project Curriculum is a systematic and comprehensive biblical worldview study that looks at all of life. Conferences and small group training will equip you to make a Christ-centered difference on culture by applying God’s principles to daily life. See an overview of the lessons.

Please contact one of our Truth Project team members below for more information on small group training.

Jasen Glasbrennerweb Pat_Fiordelise_web
Mr. Jasen Glasbrenner
(Richmond, Va.)
(more info on Mr. Glasbrenner here)
Rev. Pat Fiordelise
(Richmond, Va.)

(more info on Rev. Fiordelise here)
Janet_Welty Rev_Michael_Hirsch
Mrs. Janet Welty
(Harrisonburg, Va.)
(more info on Mrs. Welty here)
Rev. Michael Hirsch
(Fredericksburg, Va.)
(more info on Rev. Hirsch here)


The Truth Project challenges everyone to consider the claims of Christ and their implications and applications in our every aspect of our life and thinking. See below: trailer of this series and a short clip from each foundational area of life.

This 13 week DVD series is intended to be used in a small group setting. It lets us join Dr. Del Tackett as he teaches his students each week. The series incorporates fascinating interviews with leading Christians and atheists highlighting the various perspectives that are prevalent in our culture. After the video presentation there is a lively thirty minute question and discussion time.  More information with video introduction and clips hereFocus on the Family’s The Truth Project®

We would appreciate your donation.

Suggested Resources

Messianic Jewish Council

Council For Biblical Principles

We are advocates for the Godly principles upon which this nation was founded. Our mission is to protect, defend and reclaim our nation’s Christian Heritage. It is our mission to be a center for Biblical resources that equip and support Pastors, Layleaders and others to be servants to carryout their Biblical duties as “salt and light” in our culture through civic activism (Matt 5:13).

Download  From Moral Decay to a Better Way !

Family Forums

We will host forums where like-minded people can gather for training, prayer and exchange of views and coordinate with existing local and national Christian networks to serve our constituents.

Creation Promotion

We believe the teaching of Evolution is another cause of the moral bankruptcy of America. We will provide education efforts to promote Creation studies to change our culture.
– Download pdfEvolution and Creation – Both are Unbelievable! 
– Download pdf Christians that Question the Bible Concerning Creation

VCA Letter Writing Warriors

As part of our MISSION, we encourage Christians to participate in efforts to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today by writing Letters to the Editor and to business and political leaders. We will feature these letters under TOP STORIES NOW and place them under the VCA writers bio. In addition we will encourage other Christians to join in.

Religious Publications:

Catholic Virginian– ·

The Religious Herald (Baptist)-Box 8377, Richmond, VA 23226-

Metro Richmond

Richmond TIMES-DISPATCH | P.O. Box 85333, Richmond, VA 23293 Max 300 words, E-mails without attachments, Max one letter/ 60 days Fax: (804) 819-1216 Editorial Office (804) 649-6305

Chesterfield OBSERVER | P. O. Box 1616, Midlothian, VA 23113, PHONE: (804) 545-7500 |  Publisher & Editor: Greg Pearson (545-7501)

Richmond FREE PRESS | P.O. Box 27709, 422 East Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23261, PHONE: (804) 644-0496 Letters to the Editor,  or faxed to: (804) 643-7519

Goochland Gazette 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicville VA 23116,

Henrico Citizen | 4807 Hermitage Road, Ste. 204, Richmond, VA 23227, (804) 262-1700   FAX (804) 577-1230

Powhatan Today 3229 Anderson Highway Ste. 200 Powhatan, VA 23139,

Style Weekly | 1313 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, (804) 358-0825  FAX (804) 355-9089

Village News | (Chester, Ettrick, Enon, etc.)- Box 2397, Chester, VA 23831, Max 350 words (804) 751-0421  FAX (804) 751-9155


 Free Lance-Star | The Free Lance–Star, 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401,


The Progress-Index, The Peoples Forum, PO Box 71, Petersburg, VA 23804  400 word max


This is a booklet that can be downloaded under the major heading of ISSUES. Each of the 7 initiatives are fully developed and can be read separately.

YOUR CHOICE is published by Virginia Christian Alliance, Inc., and free copies can be ordered by writing our office at 8659 Staples Mill Road, Henrico, VA 23228. The subjects and thrust were selected and developed by Greene Hollowell, the research and composition by Evan Moore.


Two ETERNAL Destinations Available

pdf6 Powerful Verses to Live By
pdf YOU Were Born a Unique Baby
pdf Three Strikes and You’re OUT!
pdfBible Geneology Chart
pdfA Chronological Chart of World History
pdfThe Divided Kingdom 930 B.C.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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