Removing the Bible and Science from America’s Schools Part 1

Sandy Szwarc

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By Sandy Szwarc
© Szwarc 2025

We are now in the last chapters of the spiritual battle waged against Christians and our country. The United States of America, uniquely established under Biblical beliefs of God-given rights and freedoms, has been the target of well-organized evils working from within – our schools, churches, communities and government − for nearly 200 years. The ultimate goal of these globalists is to fundamentally transform our nation and the world into their socialist vision of utopia. It may all sound like a farfetched conspiracy theory, except it is exactly what Scripture repeatedly cautions against.

Three points to remember may help guide us as we discover what is happening to our children today. 

  1. A Biblical Word View 

Throughout the Bible, God warns us that many false teachers have gone out into the world. God’s Word, as is the Bible, is the foundation of wisdom. The Bible tells us to practice discernment and test all things against God’s teachings and not to rely on our own understandings; follow what is true, right and good; and shine light on evil. To do that requires we study the Bible and hold its teachings in our hearts. If our Biblical epistemology is weak or our Biblical wisdom flawed, discernment can still help us see false teachings for the evil they are.

Discernment is simply “testing” – that’s the scientific method of inquiry. Also called empiric or observational science, it is knowledge gained by evidence from observation using our five God-given senses and demonstrated in repeatable tests. The very core of the scientific method is rooted in the Bible, where God’s creation, our world and the creatures he created, are knowable, observable, and orderly.

  1. Biblical Support for the Scientific Method

 Following the scientific method brought the greatest advances that have helped better life for people on our planet. Understanding the scientific method – and what makes a valid test of an hypothesis, and objective and credible evidence, as well as the multitudes of biases and fallacies of logic that can lead us astray – is seldom taught anymore. We now have generations of science teachers, scientists, and medical professionals who don’t know this stuff. And that has been an intentional tactic, as we’ll see, because it cripples the ability to discern truth and helps false ideologies, and political or profit-driven junk science, gain acceptance. It also explains why so much published in science and medical journals, in school textbooks, and popularly believed today … proves to be wrong.

The scientific process builds knowledge, as a theory is repeatedly tested in different ways, but can only show if a theory is false, never prove it. A single, well-designed test can disprove an hypothesis and should send an honest researcher to discard that idea and come up with another one to test. Over time, as the body of evidence builds, so does confidence that the theory is true.

Studying the origins of life and other fields of science that are not directly testable, repeatable, or falsifiable – such as astronomy and climate, or historical science like evolution and creation – are the most prone to biases and require especially intense discernment to ensure the available observable evidence is credible, accurate, and not fabricated; and that we are interpreting the evidence to its clearest and most logical explanation.

Legitimate science does not work backward to retrofit data or create computer models to “support” a preconceived conclusion. This fallacy of logic is often seen in historical science where the evidence is interpreted and evaluated based on assumptions from a one’s religious worldview: secular naturalism/materialistic or Biblical.

But it is not a choice between science and the bible. While science, itself, is never truth (that would be the false religion of scientism), it may be surprising to know that observational science always supports the Bible and what scripture tells us about God’s creations.

“God’s Word is truth” has never been shown false.

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
Proverbs 2:6

  1. Arming Ourselves by Understanding Evil 

As Christians and Americans, we need to arm ourselves by understanding the globalists. Briefly, they are anti-human, anti-life, anti-God, anti-family, and against everything America stands for. Whatever name you call them – Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Progressivists, Globalists – these elite oligarchs want to eliminate sovereign nations (Us!) and impose global totalitarian rule over peoples to benefit themselves and grow their control. Remember, patriotic Americans and Christians are the only thing standing in their way. Behind their real agenda is eugenics, exploiting the false philosophies of Reverend Thomas Malthus and his belief that God in the Bible lied and really did not create a world that would provide for man and his creations.

Malthusians also rejected God’s telling man to be fruitful and multiple. Instead, man and human activity were falsely believed to be the enemy of God’s creation. To justify depopulation efforts, globalists invented the myth of global warming, preach pantheism worship of nature, and combine socialism with radical environmentalism in order to completely transform societies and the world economy. Using false science to teach their earth and climate-crisis doctrine, they’ve been able to gain converts, because so many people fail to practice discernment or know how to test ideas. They achieved this in large part by taking advantage of generations of school children.

The United Nations is the world body established in 1945 to carry out the globalist progressive agendas. While it purports to be about world peace, as historian William Federer noted, world wars have become more widespread, as have human rights violations, under the UN. The UN is nothing more than a front for the globalists.

Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN in 1972, and his Earth Charter led to the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and the development of the UN “sustainable development” goals, which were officially adopted by every UN member nation in 2015.

Last September, UN 2.0 was launched and the Pact for the Future was adopted. It is a complete global socialist manifesto, as we previously learned.

The current Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, is a socialist who was the secretary-general of the Socialist Party from 1992-2002 and then President of Socialist International from 1999-2005. SI is a top consultant to the UN and directly involved in its sustainable goals and progressive politics, including prioritizing the use of education. The current President of Socialist International is also a key leader in the UN.

The point of this brief retrospective is remind us of the ultimate goal of globalists and that the need for discernment has never been more critical. For parents, it is especially important to know that their agenda has specifically targeted our children with the aim to completely transform education, eliminating Biblical teachings, and replacing them with the false religions of humanism and naturalistic pantheism (both philosophies reject God). [Image: from Berean Bible Institute.]

In the often cited 1983 article in Humanist Magazine, author John J. Dunphy wrote:

“[The Bible] has been and remains an extremely dangerous book….I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being. These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers…The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new — the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of “love thy neighbor” will finally be achieved.”

Their tactic has involved a complex web of tentacles, using vast power and money, to make their ideologies appear overwhelmingly accepted everywhere… to be what’s popular, and to be the “consensus” that everyone is going along with. All other beliefs – of Christians and patriotic Americans − are made to seem extremist, hateful, minority nonconforming viewpoints, and unreasonable. Of course, that’s backwards. But, as we learned, their strategy has been to silence the majority, because once they’ve done that, they’ve won. Just as the Bible taught:

“You will be hated by all for my names sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” Matthew 10:22

False Science Teachings

 To begin to unravel this web of deception, let’s first delve into the most profound influences in education that have been used to give the appearance of legitimacy to the “new social order” and the globalists’ agenda. Since the mid-1900s, it hasn’t just been in social studies textbooks, but in “science education.”

“Generations of kids are being taught the religion of naturalism and that the Bible can’t be trusted,” said Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, during a debate with Bill Nye. As a science teacher, Ham said: “Science education is outlawing observational science that supports creationism and has redefined science as naturalism. It’s really about who is the authority in this world: man or God. If you start with naturalism, then morals become subjective, human life of no more value than animals, old people and babies are disposable because they’re costing us money, and marriage is whatever you want it to be, he explained. With God’s Word, morals are absolutes and “we care for all people as they are made in the image of God.”

False teachers rose to influential positions in education and government, most notably in science. Alarmist “the world is ending” and environmental global warming-climate change scaremongering may have begun with Malthus, but went into hyper-drive beginning in the 1960s. The dire predictions of false prophets forecasting eco-catastrophes and “over” population crises go back some six decades, such as Paul Uhrlich, author of Population Bomb, his disciple John Holdren, and countless others. However, every one of their prophesies bombed

  • Uhrlich’s 1968 prediction that 65 million Americans would die of starvation between 1970 and 1989
  • Uhrlich’s prediction that by 1999, the U.S. population would decline to 22.6 million
  • Uhrlich’s prediction that England would not exist by the year 2000
  • Holdren’s 1986 prediction that a billion people could die from carbon-dioxide induced global warming famine by 2020

Their science all proved bogus, again and again. That should have ended it because legitimate scientists abandon hypotheses once they’re shown false. “In reality, civil war, socialist and Marxist economic policies, nature worship, and bureaucratic obstacles contribute more to famine and poor living conditions than overpopulation,” said David Chilton, author of Productive Christians in An Age of Guilt Manipulators. But failed scientific evidence did not stop their agenda.

Perhaps the most vocal and widely discredited scientist in recent generations has been Obama’s “Science Czar” John Holdren. Since the 1970s, he’s written in global warming publications warning that human population was the most serious environmental threat of all. Holdren co-authored with Urlich and his wife the controversial book, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, that promoted totalitarian population control measures that were so extreme, they were equated to humanitarian atrocities and genocide.

The economic catastrophes and human suffering in third world countries from his draconian proposals to reduce carbon emissions, however, fit nicely into his population control policies, noted Dr. Michael R. Egnor, MD, at State University of NY-Stony Brook.

Holdren’s and the globalists’ false theology with a worldview of the earth and climate contrary to the Bible, bad science that confuses theory and computer models for actual evidence, and flawed economics that fails to do a reasoned cost-benefit analysis, are unethical, according to Cornwall Alliance in its “A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor.” The most hurt by climate change policies are the poor, who will be condemned to generations of suffering, poverty and death.

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Holdren has been connected with large globalists foundations, such as Rockefeller, Clinton Global, Carnegie Corporation, George Soros’ Open Society Institute, MacArthur Foundation and others. He was also a member of the four largest environmental activist groups. Despite his failed credibility and clear conflicts of interest, he attained the nation’s highest government science positions under Obama when he became Director of the Office and Science Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) behind STEM. He was the country’s longest-serving Science Advisor to the President in America’s history (2009-2017). Holdren’s most destructive influence would be in science education, as we’ll see.

Holdren not only gained prestigious positions at our nation’s largest universities, he also became a high ranking member of top U.S. science organizations, including National Academy of Science, American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, National Research Council, Department of Energy, Federation of American Scientists (chairman), National Commission on Energy Policy (co-chair), and President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2007).

This helps remind us of another important teaching: Those with academic degrees and impressive resumes and high positions don’t equate with experts we can trust for sound guidance. This lesson also appears throughout the Bible, warning against the Scribes (teachers who were seen as the experts in the Law of Moses) and their hypocrisy and fraud.

Beware of the scribes. They like to walk around in long robes, and they love the greetings in the marketplaces, the chief seats in the synagogues, and the places of honor at banquets. They defraud widows…” Mark 12:38

Leading science and science education organizations are anti-science globalist front groups

Globalism has completely overtaken every national science and science education organization and government agency in the U.S. Instead of sound objective science and research for the betterment of our country and people, radical progressive politics reigns, masquerading as science. The science they teach isn’t science at all.

Let’s look at just a few examples from among the most prestigious science organizations in the country. Learning the facts will forever change your view of science “experts.”

 NCSE. National Center for Science Education (NCSE), founded in 1980, actually has “opposing creationism” as its core mission. Creationism is the Biblical teaching and science that the universe, life and all forms of life are products of divine intelligent creation rather than an evolutionary processes. NCSE has been devoted to influencing state standards to teach global warming theories, green energy literacy, and evolution in K-12 public schools. Comprised of activist scientists and educators, it has fought – via government regulations, courts, legislature, school boards and schools − to censor views it disagrees with, including “climate change denial.”

A Scientific American article last week by NCSE’s deputy director touted the bright future of teaching evolution in public schools. He attributed the successes against the “miseducation” of biblical creation science and intelligent design to the NCSE’s activism: legal actions and court cases, as well as successfully establishing evolution in state science standards for K-12 life science curriculums. Through science teachers, he wrote, there’s now reason to hope every student in U.S. public schools will “appreciate that nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution.”

AAAS. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) was founded in 1874 and is the largest science association in the world. It is also the most extremist. It quickly moved from its initial mission of advocating for scientific research to political activism. Since the 1920s, AAAS has been affiliated with radical organizations. In 1938, AAAS president, Walter Bradford Cannon, began to change the focus of the organization towards socialism and causes sympathetic to the Soviet Union, and remained a supporter to his death.

Cannon headed the medical section of the National Council of Soviet-American Friendship, a group of mostly professionals sympathetic to socialism. It grew out of the radical American-Soviet friendship movement of the 1930s. NCASF produced numerous pamphlets and publications with positive accounts of life, education, and science in the Soviet Union until it was shut down after FBI and Congressional investigations indicted it for failure to register with the Subversive Activities Control Board in 1947.

In 1935, Soviets generously funded a free trip to China and Russia for Cannon to give the keynote address of the World Physiological Congress in Moscow, at the request of his Russian friend Ivan Pavlov. From then on, Cannon’s science projected a socialist world view and he became active in the most radical progressive and Communist organizations in the U.S.. Cannon was also President of the American-Soviet Medical Society, a group of American doctors sympathetic to Russia, including a member of the Communist Party of the U.S.. It led an exchange of medical science between the two countries and published the American Review of Soviet Medicine from 1943-1948. About 41% of the revenue from the journal during its first years came from American pharmaceutical company advertisements.

Cannon was welcomed at the USSR Embassy in 1943 where he and two other American doctors were made honorary members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.  This was a government Communist Party academy working in conformity with the Communist Party to assist the government in its policies. It was also the center of scientific training and research to strengthen the USSR. During 1941-1945, “the Academy and its research played a tremendous role in the reconstruction of the country’s economy along war lines,” wrote  Russian historian Victor Borovsky.

Cannon was funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller organizations to reform higher education under their elitist scientific model, as Colin B. Burke, Associate Professor at the University of Maryland-Baltimore, documented in Red Destinies, a biography of American Communists. It not only earned Cannon the highest salaries in academia, he was elected to the most prestigious science societies (NAS, NRC, and AAAS) and gained worldwide notoriety.

Cannon married Cornelia James, a Radcliffe College graduate and Unitarian progressive activist in Cambridge and Boston schools. She became a leader in the Eugenics movement with a focus on saving the “race” from physical and mental defects, and founded the organization that would become Boston’s Planned Parenthood. Cannon and his entire extended family became one of the four key families in Boston and the Nation behind America’s progressive movement.

AAAS’ eugenics past is undeniable. As ethics writer, Mary Meehan reported in the Fall 2000 issue of Human Life Review: AAAS elevated at least fourteen members of the American Eugenics Society to be president of the AAAS, and appointed other eugenicists to AAAS board of directors, various panels and committees; and permitted the renamed eugenics society, The Society for the Study of Social Biology, to become an official AAAS affiliate.

Between 1931-1951, at least seven other AAAS presidents were members of a Soviet front group and three were presidents of both AAAS and NCSE, according to an investigation published by Capital Research Center. Only 9% of AAAS members were conservative Christians, a 2009 study revealed.

Former AAAS presidents also include a long list of UN globalist agenda advocates, genetic researchers, Humanists, and preachers of human-caused climate change. In addition to Holdren, here are just three examples.

  • AAAS President 1999-2001: Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002), a renowned Marxist-socialist and Humanist and defender of evolution who fought to remove creationism from public school science curriculum.
  • AAAS President in 2020: Steven Chu, a globally recognized spokesperson on climate change, carbonless energy, and a sustainable future; contributor to the World Economic Forum; commissioner on the Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy; and was Obama’s Secretary of Energy 2009-2013.
  • AAAS President in 2009: James McCarthy (1944-2019), a leader in the global climate change agenda, including co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and chair of one of the most progressive and radical environmental activist organizations, Union of Concerned Scientists.
                UCS participated in the United Nations climate change talks COP28, although McCarthy stated in 2019 that even more drastic reductions in emissions would be needed to avert “environmental and economic disaster from human-induced climate change;” is known for its poor to outright junk science; and supported COVID-19 government lockdowns and vaccines, accusing anything not in favor of U.S. government and World Health Organization policies as promoting “disinformation.”

AAAS now includes about 262 affiliated societies and academies of science. It lobbies  science and tech issues to the government. Its globalist science is focused on climate change, specifically “climate science in theological education,” abortion access, and social justice. For over 50 years, it has placed members in key government positions (nearly 300 fellows in 2023) to shape public policy and national research funding priorities. Its fellows (each given AAAS funding of $80,000-$105,000/year plus health insurance) still preach DEI, social justice, racism, and anti-Christian “science.” 

In AAAS DoSER’s Human and Race special series, for example, AAAS fellow, Joseph L. Graves, Jr., connected Christian theology to that of “colonialism, genocide and slavery” and said he grew up in a “white supremacist racist society” in the 1960s with no non-white people on television except servants.
            (Today’s scientists may be too young to remember, but they can research the validity of these claims themselves and learn of the dozens of America’s most beloved black actors and award-winning entertainers from the 60s and earlier. Their numbers grew with the growth of television. Only 9% of American households owned a TV back in 1950, increasing to 80% by 1960.)

AAAS members are mobilized to foster relationships with key groups, such as journalists, policymakers, judges, and faith communities, to address “misinformation.” It sponsors science journalism and media, and advances its own science and research articles, including in its Science magazine, with more than a million readers. It became an open access publisher in 2023.

AAAS is the national leader in promoting and embedding DEI in science, research, education, and STEM initiatives through its programs such as SEA Change (STEM Equity Achievement) and ISEED (Inclusive STEMM Ecosystems for Equity & Diversity).

It announced nearly $20 million in DEI awards last month, AAAS’ highest award, the first going to UC Davis. SEA Change Director, Shirley Malcom, said DEI is the element of STEM’s excellence and they work through federal agencies (NSF, NIH and NASA) to expand DEI.

AAAS just pulled its DEI webpage and noted that science agencies have paused DEI projects per President Trump’s directive. It added that NIH hasn’t taken any actions on DEI-related grants already awarded. Currently, NIH lists 134 DEI-related research projects. NIH research is not all life-saving, non-political, or have scientific value.

AAAS is totally “devoted” to mobilizing science and scientists to advance the United Nation’s agenda. Through programs and focus areas under its “Human Right to Science” and its “Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights and Law Program,” for example, AAAS participated in the development of the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).

In 1985, AAAS launched Project 2061 to massively reform science education, lay the groundwork for state and national science standards and learning benchmarks for grades K-12, and use common core STEM science to affect social values and viewpoints. It stated that reforming science education to their social vision will require teacher education and school organizations to change, and that all science education must include computer-based curriculum design. It also redefined scientific inquiry to mean using computer models. Its resources include publications on Evolution, Global Climate Change, and the Nature of Science.

SESPA. Scientists and Engineers for Social and Political Action (SESPA) was a communist organization from 1969 to 1990 that followed Malthusian and Marxist theories. While it’s no longer active, its mark is still evident at top colleges today. Many of its members were Marxist and it became active on school and college campuses such as MIT, Cornell, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, and Harvard. It worked to change science education to focus on correcting societal ills, and promote genetics and genetic determination, abortion, and population control. Similar groups from that era, Union of Concerned Scientists and the Federation of American Scientists, are still around.

Its magazine was called Science for the People, focused on collectivist issues, labor union, anti-war, anti-capitalist, and environmental activism. After years of protests, it successfully changed AAAS who published its literature in 1972 with perfect agreement from the publishers.

Evolutionist and recognized Marxist, Stephen Jay Gould wrote in Science for the People in 1981 of his contempt for religious creationists and the conservative “right in America” with their anti-abortion and anti-communism beliefs which he saw as threats, not just “a form of unreasoned stupidity.”

NAS. National Academy of Science (NAS) was incorporated by Congress in 1863 to be a private honorary institution to provide “independent” advice on science and technology to the federal government. By late 2024, it had 6,892 members. Members are elected for life and are appointees, primarily from elite universities. Quickly after its founding, its research and publications proved to be ridden with conflicts of interest. Its research and papers are sponsored by a long list of the most progressive globalist foundations, such as:

MacArthur Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Kavli Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, California Health Care Foundation, Commonwealth Fund, Tawani Foundation, JPB Foundation, David & Lucile Packard Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Arnold Ventures, Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, etc.

and nonprofits and corporations, with political and profit-driven interests, like:

Gilead Sciences, American Heart Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Conagra Brands, General Mills, Obesity Society, Mars Inc., Cargill Inc., ClimateWorks, George & Cynthia Mitchell Endowment for Sustainability, American Society for Nutrition, Coca-Cola, Danon North America, etc.

Its National Academy of Medicine’s Leadership Consortium, for example, is entirely comprised of vested interests (“stakeholders”) with corporate, governmental and foundation ties. NAS moved to political activism with research projects and consensus papers addressing globalist causes. A few examples include:

Climate Change

Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity

Science Misinformation

Gender Diversity

LGBTQ Wellbeing

Atmospheric Methane Removal

Sustainability Opportunities

Climate Resilient Global Supply Chains

Electric Vehicle Future

Accelerating Decarbonization of the U.S. Energy System

Population Descriptors in Genetics

Racial Inequality in Crime and Justice

Securing the Vote Protecting American Democracy


A glance at the National Academies Press reveals its overwhelming globalist-progressive slant and focus on UN Sustainable Development Goals…and absence of Biblical teachings.

The National Research Council was organized by NAS in 1916 to be its operating agency and conduct most of the studies for NAS and NAE, and advise federal government agencies on public policy decisions. In turn, every U.S. government agency is now part of UN’s climate change “literacy” team.

NRC produces about 200 papers a year, provided to the government and also available to the public through the National Academies Press.

NAS has grown to now include its National Academy of Engineering, created in 1964, and National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine), created in 1970. Proceedings of the NAS (PNAS), founded in 1914, is its journal for NAS member research.

The NAS 2020-2025 Strategic Plan states it envisions a nation and world in which people understand science to be foundational in their lives, and recognize NAS scientific advice as the gold standard for evidence-based decision-making that benefits society.

Its first stated goal is to continue to” issue statements on scientific topics of national and international interest to prompt appropriate action.” Examples given of its “gold-standard” statements are “the safety of childhood vaccinations to protect against infectious diseases such as measles, the risks of separating children from their parents as a part of border security strategy, and the strong evidence backing anthropogenic climate change,” for which it has an entire website devoted.

Goal #1 goes on to add international issues, citing its reports “on responsible conduct in research, a review of climate change science, a sustainable energy future, and the sustainable development goals.” This precisely mirrors UN Agenda 2040 agenda. In fact, the entire plan is right out of UN’s common agenda.

It is not that every publication produced from NAS has nothing of value, but its distinct bias does require especially diligent discernment, going to the original sources for every reference cited, and determining for yourself what the evidence actually supports. But, irrefutably, NAS science is not gold standard.

Next, we’ll look at how the country’s most prestigious science institutions and universities worked to transform our schools and science education into their new world view.


Other articles in this series:

Sandy Szwarc, BSN, RN, retired emeritus, has been a researcher and writer for more than forty years. She writes on a wide range of topics – science, health, medicine, diet, energy, medical ethics, and more − always returning to discernment, testing all things against evidence and sound science, and most of all guided by God’s Word. She has recently resumed blogging at her new site:

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Sandy Szwarc
As a former registered nurse with a biological science degree, my early clinical practice took me from critical care to triage, case management to medical outreach, but always immersed in research. Writing has been my devotion. I went on to work in communications and editorial in public utilities, publishing, healthcare and public policy. I believe people deserve to know the soundest facts to make informed decisions and that policies affecting peoples' lives should be based on sound evidence and reason…and, most of all, guided by God's word. I never imagined that I would witness this demise and corruption of media, science and medical ethics. Scientific literacy is at the lowest level in my lifetime. Junk science proliferates. I was blessed early in my career to learn scientific reason, and how to discern credible research, from brave men not afraid to question and stand up for what's right. Journalism, in both consumer and professional venues, has ceased to exist. Rather than celebrate the positive things that can come from good science and the wonders of God's creation, we are surrounded by fears, painting a dark and ominous view of the world. Fear sells but it's not used for good and it hurts people. Medical ethics is no longer guided by Christian teachings. It's become eugenics-laced "public health for the common good" and devaluation of life. It's far removed from that taught by the father of medical ethics, Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino. Healthcare professionals who selflessly follow the original healing ministry of medicine risk everything today. My personal commitment has always been to share information that is as true as I know it to be. I try my best to practice the discernment that the Bible instructs us to do, to test everything and follow what is right and true. I hope, with God's hand, that my research and what I've learned will help people. Sandy currently blog's at: