Removing the Bible and Science from America’s Schools Part 2

Sandy Szwarc

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By Sandy Szwarc
© Szwarc 2025 

As we left off in Part 1, globalism had overtaken every national science and science education organization and government agency in the United States. The globalists next turned their sights on science education.

The complete takeover of science education began taking shape after decades of efforts to consolidate and centralize all public education under the government. That first required ignoring the U.S. Constitution − which makes no mention of education nor any role for government in education − and then coercing states to adopt and enforce universal education standards. Those common standards, however, didn’t come from parents and teachers, but from progressive interests with a clear mission to transform education to socialist indoctrination.

With the Globalists, the Federal Government Takes Over Public Education.

The 1965 “Elementary and Secondary Education Act” was a key part of Lyndon Johnson’s progressive legislation for his Great Society. It was the first intrusion of the federal government into K-12 education. In the name of equal rights, it committed federal aid to specific populations in schools identified as disadvantaged. The education funding, however, would most benefit teachers’ unions and education agencies, which quickly became a powerful lobbying force in Washington.

In 1979, the federal Department of Education was created and by 1980 was in charge of 500 different federal education programs, with thousands of federal regulations, resulting in plummeting local spending on education coupled with skyrocketing federal spending. With the money came control.

In 1996, globalist companies and progressive foundations organized and created Achieve, Inc. to push the idea that standards in K-12 education were needed.

The year 2001 brought the “No Child Left Behind Act” (NCLB) under George W. Bush that fundamentally expanded the federal government’s role in education. The centerpiece of the law required states to establish academic teaching and testing standards and to meet student proficiency levels in order to get federal money − as long as they also complied with guidelines for racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, disability, non-English speaking, and migrant students.  

Suddenly, school counseling for “mental health interventions” and “emotional and social development” were made a function of schools under NCLB, and school mental health counseling and school psychologists became lucrative fields. Worse, an entire new experimental learning theory was created and foisted on school children across the nation – and around the world – with no evidence it was anything but harmful: “social emotional learning” (SEL).

SEL – Globalist Programming

Why worldwide? It was part of UN Sustainable Development Goals and USAID-funded programs for World Learning, to indoctrinate children to collectivism and a global society. [More details coming up later in this series.]

This new educational field makes no secret that it’s about making transformational changes in schools and school climates, to create healthy school environments that are culturally responsive and equitable, and build their new social order. There’s even a new Master of Arts in SEL, described as a deep dive into personal identity, culture, leadership, and community. Teachers are encouraged to uncover and address “trauma,” to probe students’ psyches, and promote a holistic model for children to view their families and friends.

The leading organization behind SEL is Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), a $12.6 million Chicago nonprofit which successfully lobbied the U.S. government to include public school funding for SEL learning ($90 billion from Biden in FY2024 alone).

SEL is nothing more than psychological manipulations of children’s emotions to lead them towards a collectivism worldview. It’s ideological brainwashing. “Transformative SEL” includes self-awareness, identity, social justice, examining implicit biases, and racism. Its five parts begin with teaching children to seek their true inner self, then get in touch with emotional feelings, social awareness and connections with a group, and finally develop “responsible” decision-making in light of the group. [Graphic: SEL model from ©CASEL.] The technique is used beginning in preschool and elementary school age kids, even in art classes.

Children are probed with highly sensitive questions about their mood, beliefs, their families and even their sexuality. Of course, this translates into major risks to the privacy of students and their families, according to Max Eden, American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow. Worse, it puts all children’s mental health at risk from unlicensed therapists, with no quality evidence demonstrating any benefit to academic achievement, according to a RAND corporation review of 68 SEL studies.

The radically progressive National Association of Social Workers used the NCLB to expand into schools and push their agenda, and schools turned into massive social welfare providers under social justice social workers. Schools became outlets for mandated federal social service and assistance programs under Health and Human Services, down to prescribed school lunches, then breakfasts and snacks.

States and local schools had been developing their own individual curriculum standards. But, predictably, states quickly lowered standards to ensure they’d get the federal bucks and NCLB became a “race to the bottom,” with schools focusing resources on lower achievers. The adverse consequences of federal school guidelines were that gifted children were abandoned and the brightest and hardest working students were the ones left behind.

Common Core State Standards – Not From or By the People

Using these foreseeable consequences of ill-advised government involvement, the globalist interests with Achieve, Inc. lobbied states hard with claims of a crisis of “failed education in America” that was purportedly leaving kids ill-prepared for college and unable to compete in the global market. They told states that if they’d align academic standards with their benchmarks, they’d close the gap and prepare all school children for careers and postsecondary education. In 2005, all 50 governors signed on and agreed to develop a common graduation rate compact and track every student.

Together, the National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) were behind the development of new curriculum standards outlining what children should know at each grade level. In 2008, they released Benchmarking for Success: Ensuring U.S. Students Receive a World-Class Education, outlining the recommendations for state leaders and stakeholders that had been created by an unnamed International Benchmarking Advisory Group

Their report made no secret that it was a globalist project. (Sixteen globes even appeared on the cover!) Along with selling the belief that American education was a failure was the assertion it suffered from “gross inequity” and that human capital was most needed in the new global economy for a “global workforce.” Their key recommendations were for states to urgently address racial and socioeconomic inequity and adopt a common core of internationally benchmarked standards in math and language arts (ELA) for K-12 in order to ensure students would be “globally competitive.” To leverage states’ “collective influence” they were to align all textbooks, digital media, curriculum and testing, and revise state policies for teachers and school leaders.

NGA and CCSSO needed bankrolling to pull off their transformation of every public school classroom in the country. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the development of Common Core standards, with $233 million in grants. The national standards were written so swiftly there was almost no public awareness or input.

Hence, Common Core State Standards (CCSS) was born. They were released and adopted with no pilot testing and no evidence they were effective or would accomplish anything being claimed.

Globalist Money and Influence 

According to Capital Research Center, Gates also built “political support across the country, persuading state governments to make systemic and costly changes.” Beginning in 2008, hundreds of millions of dollars from Gates Foundation also went to a wide range of teacher organizations including the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association, and the liberal Center for American Progress, along with other state and local groups to promote Common Core. Examples include $1 million to UC Berkeley and $750,000 to Silicon Valley Education Association in 2014; $1.9 million in 2013 and $3.7 million in 2015 to U.S. Chamber of Commerce; in 2013 $2 million to Council of the Great City Schools and $1.5 million to Aspen Institute; $12.3 million in 2014 to New Venture Fund; and more. 

We would appreciate your donation.

Gates Foundation also provided seed money for the Teaching Channel programing promoting Common Core. It began airing on public television stations in 2011 and was broadcast into classrooms across the country. Gates also partnered with Pearson Foundation giving $3 million for common core digital instruction resources.

President Obama’s Education Department “had been populated with former Gates Foundation staffers and associates,” ensuring support from his Administration, the Washington Post reported. Obama offered $4.3 billion in “Race to the Top” grants to key states if they would adopt the standards, and Gates Foundation added $2.7 million to help 24 states write their applications. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

By 2012, 45 states had adopted CCSS and, per state boards of education agreements, had to enact them verbatim. States were only permitted to add up to 15% additional standards for their students. 

Almost immediately complaints from teachers and parents were making news. Teachers found creative writing and favorite literature had been eliminated for “social behavior”-themed nonfiction materials. Elementary school students were being forced to watch homosexual gay-rights films, identified in the press as blatant indoctrination under the banners of “tolerance and diversity.”

Education experts found that even the math curriculum was being used to indoctrinate children’s minds, as well as make the “new math” virtually useless. Education publications were condemning the political indoctrination of “social justice and equity” replacing academics; parents were outraged they were being shut out and not allowed even near their children’s classrooms; and teachers were pointing out that the poor education was creating more kids in need of help and more need for government money, intervention, intrusion, and control.

“If a person wanted to destroy our American culture, keep this generation from communicating effectively with older generations, and make sure today’s children grow up detesting America instead of valuing our nation’s American exceptionalism, the best plan would be to implement the Common Core Standards (CCS) into every school in America, wrote Texas teacher, Donna Garner. Nonfiction texts, like the Declaration of Independence, had to be taught without any background information or historical context, “leaving students with a shallow understanding of the courage and revolutionary spirit that moved the signers to voice their opposition to tyranny.” And none of the great classic pieces of literature could be covered in only 30% of English class time. The Bible wasn’t included at all.

Overwhelming rebellion against Common Core – nicknamed “Obamacore” − was in full swing by 2012 and the exit strategy movement began. Thousands of articles against CCSS inundated media between 2012-2015 alone. Across the nation, parents and teachers and allies organized against Common Core, as in Utah and Idaho. A flow chart was shared in 2013 of controversies and corrupt payouts to agencies, professional education organizations, and especially Pearson Prentice Hall, whose entire business centered around providing curriculum, training and testing for Common Core. Parents especially opposed the government’s massive data mining of personal details of their children and homes without parental consent. Utahns Against Common Core produced a powerful booklet exposing what the state education office wasn’t telling the public.

Truth in Education reported that local school districts discovered they were responsible for over 90% of statewide costs to implement CCSS as well as having to purchase new textbooks to align the standards. In 2012, Pioneer Institute and Accountability Works reported it would cost participating states about $15.8 billion over seven years to implement.

“People who characterize Common Core as anything other than a national takeover of schooling are either unaware of these sweeping implications or are deliberately hiding this information from the public,wrote a Heartland Institute Policy Brief. Research on education standards demonstrates they have NO effect on student achievement, it reported. “That’s right: no effect at all.” Worse, experts examining the math and ELA standards found them so bad, they were below the admission requirement for most state colleges.

An especially powerful talk by Dr. Everett Piper, President of Oklahoma Weleyan University, on June 18, 2013, explained why he was against Common Core. He laid out the moral case for all Christians in opposing the state’s control.

While states began adopting CCSS in 2010, to this day, there is no evidence that Common Core helps children or has had any positive effect on improving student achievement or preparation for careers. There is no correlation between states that have adopted the standards and their educational ranking. In fact, it’s widely recognized that CCSS was a failure and actually had a negative effects on students’ academic math performance.

As of 2024, four states refused to adopt it, another four have withdrawn and at least 12 others are repealing the standards. But scrapping CCSS does not mean that most states haven’t retained much of the curriculum and simply tweaked it. Tennessee’s Board of Education, for example, closely followed national Common Core standards and required history classes for seventh graders to have three weeks on Islam, while Christianity was eliminated. Teaching even the historical role of Christianity was not on the state’s standards. Students were required to write “Allah is the only God” and provide the “correct” answer on the state standardized test.

But CCSS only addressed reading and math. There is much more to education. More importantly, globalist indoctrination of children needed “science” to give the false impression that their ideologies were legitimate and proven.  The globalists next set their sights on science and technology subjects.

STEM is “Common Core Science”

STEM refers to Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics. I’ve long referred to STEM as “Common Core Science,” not only because its origins have the same actors and false claims, but because it is a mutation of science into everything science is not and every bit as dismal as CCSS. STEM twists science upside down, inside out and backwards. Common Core Science is anti-science and the opposite of the scientific method.

STEM began with the National Research Council of the National Academy of Science, funded largely by the globalist Carnegie Corporation, a long time funder of progressive and eugenics causes; and coordinated by Achieve, Inc.. Together they came up with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for K-12 science education. AAAS and the National Science Teachers Association were also key partners.

Their 2010 International Science Benchmarking Report again claimed U.S. students were lagging behind other nations and unable to compete in a global environment, and called for the need for science education standards that met their international benchmarks.

The NAS released its proposed standards in 2012 which were aligned with Common Core State Standards by grade and difficulty, and incorporated CCSS. They proposed an entirely new approach to K-12 science education that would transform science education.

According to its Framework for K-12 Science Education, the NGSS are “intended to reflect a new vision for American science education.” The conceptual shifts for this “new science” exhibit the interconnected world. NGSS are student performance expectations, not curriculum. NGSS is not about teaching facts, it states. The focus is on core ideas given to the students – “not necessarily the facts associated with them.”

The performance expectations in high school physical science are the practice of modeling. The students are given a predefined physical problem or phenomena and then called to make a model to gather evidence to explain the changes; then use their model to make predictions. Their models are then used to validate their abilities to predict the state of a system.

This is backwards and is not remotely the scientific process or science. Only by seeing these lessons for yourself can you really understand how far STEM departs from teaching real science or any of the hard sciences (also called “exact sciences,”) based on the scientific method  − chemistry, physics, biology, physiology, geology, microbiology, toxicology, chemical engineering, pharmacology, aeronautics, electrical engineering, medicine, etc.. 

The “phenomenon” identified in the lessons make no effort to hide their “core message.” It’s plain indoctrination. Each lesson starts with an environmentalist-globalist claimed phenomenon as a statement of fact and then calls on the students to create models for evidence to explain the phenomenon. The term “model” appears 370 times just in the electromagnetic radiation lessons and “consensus” appears 40 times! Computer simulation models are not observational science or evidence of anything. Consensus or the popularity of an idea is not science or evidence of anything, either. Computer models are not science. (Didn’t the world learn anything from the totally bogus Covid-19 computer models from Imperial College in London that were used to predict worldwide genocide and lock down the entire planet for years?)

The topics of STEM lessons (and those “statements of fact” at the start of each lesson) mostly launch from ideological agendas and disproven pseudoscience, for example: man’s impact on climate change, polar ice melting effect on rising sea levels, deforestation, ocean and pond dead zones from fertilizers and sewage, water conservation, why different racial demographics get cancer, effect of urbanization on species, natural selection on antibiotic resistance bacteria, rising temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations, oyster larvae die-offs with ocean acidification, effect of EMR in microwaves and cell phones and dangers to humans, stars and the big bang theory, how to genetically mutate super cattle (Blue cattle) to meet global food insecurity, plastic pollution and toxins in the food chain, filtration for contaminants in drinking water (“Protect your body, filter your water”), the environment and lifestyle and “evolution of sick humans,” and how a small rise in temperature affects droughts and floods.

The Earth and Human Activity lesson, for example, tells kids to construct an explanation for how changes in climate have influenced human activity, design solutions for utilizing energy and mineral resources, create a computer simulation to illustrate the relationships between natural resources and “sustainability of human populations and biodiversity,” refine a technical solution that reduces impact of human activities on natural systems, analyze global climate models to forecast global or regional climate change and impacts on earth systems, use computers to illustrate the relationships among earth systems and how they are being modified due to human activity.

How did STEM come to be seen as teaching great science and scientific inquiry? Money and politics talk.

Remember John Holdren? The same day of his Senate confirmation hearings, Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act giving $21.5 billion for federal science and science education agencies (reviewed in Part 1). Holdren’s role at the White House included developing the STEM education program, overseeing the Global Change Research Program, and founding Obama’s STEM Master Teachers Corps, which received $1 billion in funding in 2013, augmented with $100 million to identify and promote effective STEM teachers, and Obama’s $5 billion new “RESPECT Project” to re-envision science education. An additional 100,000 STEM teachers over the next decade would be funded with $22 million from a coalition of 115 organizations led by Carnegie Corporation.

The public was lured into going along with this takeover of science education and massive spending for STEM in schools based on claims of widespread shortages of STEM trained scientists and engineers. These claims go back nearly 80 years to the end of WW II, perpetuated by a few vested interests, according to Michael S. Teitelbaum. The only problem, these claims “are quite inconsistent with nearly all available evidence,” he said. Numerous reports, analyses and articles have carefully examined demand and supply in STEM fields over decades and found no widespread or lasting shortages.

Their Long-Range Plan Becomes Clearer 

The real reasons for the transformation of our entire school system and science education keeps coming back to the march of the globalists working to create their new social order, just as John Stormer warned in None Dare Call it Treason. Since his book, the globalists moved forward on their agenda. Larger, more politically powerful, and heavily financed than ever before, the globalist corporations and foundations, state governors, and teacher and education organizations came together to impose common state curriculum standards. These curriculums were not designed to teach children or improve literacy, but to tear down the last remnants of patriotism and love of America and the religious beliefs of families and churches.

In its place, education was used to teach everything wrong with America and paint for children a very dark world filled with identity politics, racism and “critical race theory,” inequity and social injustice, mental illness, victimhood and dependency, coupled with sexualization and gender confusion, and that the very existence of people was destroying the planet and creating a dangerous world with poisonous air, food, and water.

Coming Next: The UN’s Final Plan for Education

The final parts of their plans for our schools are now coming together. Next, the United Nations pulls out the big guns, as world, federal and state governments and leaders force even greater transformations of our schools to bring us to their global and godless world.



Other articles in this series:


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Sandy Szwarc
As a former registered nurse with a biological science degree, my early clinical practice took me from critical care to triage, case management to medical outreach, but always immersed in research. Writing has been my devotion. I went on to work in communications and editorial in public utilities, publishing, healthcare and public policy. I believe people deserve to know the soundest facts to make informed decisions and that policies affecting peoples' lives should be based on sound evidence and reason…and, most of all, guided by God's word. I never imagined that I would witness this demise and corruption of media, science and medical ethics. Scientific literacy is at the lowest level in my lifetime. Junk science proliferates. I was blessed early in my career to learn scientific reason, and how to discern credible research, from brave men not afraid to question and stand up for what's right. Journalism, in both consumer and professional venues, has ceased to exist. Rather than celebrate the positive things that can come from good science and the wonders of God's creation, we are surrounded by fears, painting a dark and ominous view of the world. Fear sells but it's not used for good and it hurts people. Medical ethics is no longer guided by Christian teachings. It's become eugenics-laced "public health for the common good" and devaluation of life. It's far removed from that taught by the father of medical ethics, Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino. Healthcare professionals who selflessly follow the original healing ministry of medicine risk everything today. My personal commitment has always been to share information that is as true as I know it to be. I try my best to practice the discernment that the Bible instructs us to do, to test everything and follow what is right and true. I hope, with God's hand, that my research and what I've learned will help people. Sandy currently blog's at: