Rob Franzen

Rob Franzen

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Rob FranzenRobert (Rob) Franzen

Creation Under Fire Ministries

N. Chesterfield, VA

Rob Franzen was born in November 1968, and is from the Schenectady, NY area. Rob received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at age 13 and began to feel the call of God tugging at his heart. Two years after graduating from High School he enrolled into Zion Bible Institute in Barrington, Rhode Island. After graduating from Zion (now called Northpoint Bible college) in 1992, he went on to earn his Bachelor of Theology from Christian Life School of Theology (CLST) based in Columbus, GA. Rob has also earned his Master of Divinity degree at Oral Roberts University. Rob has been involved in ministry since 1989, including serving as a youth and associate Pastor, as well as traveling as an evangelist and missionary evangelist. Rob has 6 wonderful children, all serving the Lord and active in church ministry, which he considers his life’s greatest accomplishment. He has been residing in Virginia since 1992. Rob also authored a book called Creation Under Fire from within the church found on Amazon and also at Rob has traveled to about two dozen foreign countries around the world seeing many salvations and wonderful miracles and healings by the Grace and Power of God. As a minister he has a fervent love for the truth of God’s Holy Word and for evangelism. He ministers with a strong prophetic anointing of the Holy Spirit, which will ignite Fresh Fire in those who hear.


Author/Evangelist Rob Franzen

Forward of book written by Dr. Dennis Lindsay, President & CEO of Christ for the Nations Bible Institute in Dallas, TX.

“People have a negative bias/attitude toward creation science from a biblical perspective because they are unaware of the quantity and quality of evidence that support it. A creation presentation of the evidence that supports creation from a biblical perspective will influence a positive public attitude toward it.

The inculcation of humanistic philosophy into modern, mainstream American culture began slowly and has run as a covert undercurrent for many years. The rise of Darwinian evolutionary theory in popularity continued to challenge the traditional Biblical foundations of the founding fathers until it attained a moral victory in the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial.

Eventually ,it dethroned our country’s infrastructure of its foundations in the 1962 declaration of the US Supreme Court that prayer was unconstitutional in our public school rooms. Now, four generations later, the vast majority of our population and the institutions of our nation have been thoroughly “evolutionized” in their subconscious thinking. This unconscious “filter”, through which all of our thought processes run (and thereby influence our behavior), prevents us from coming to a right understanding of Biblical Truth. David, the psalmist, said it this way, ‘If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?’ To counter this humanistic invasion in our society, Robert Franzen has authored Creation Under Fire that has convincingly and adequately undercut and discredit the doctrine of evolutionism and provide a viable alternative to atheistic, evolutionary humanism.

We would appreciate your donation.

Creation Under Fire is a powerful presentation which provides evidence that supports creation from a biblical and scientific perspective. This, I believe, will influence the public in favor of a biblical view of creation and is must for pastors, parents and young people to understand why the record of creation in Genesis is foundation to ones Christian faith”.

Dennis Lindsay, President & CEO of Christ for the Nations, a worldwide missions organization and Bible Institute in Dallas, TX. He is the youngest son of the late Gordon Lindsay, founder of Christ for the Nations, and Freda Lindsay, co-founder. He has written 15 volumes on the book of Genesis and the subject of Creation Science. This highly acclaimed and insightful series is helping present the biblical and scientific truth of creation. These volumes plus much more are available at

 What Others Are Saying About Creation Under Fire:

 Dr. John Morris of the Institute for Creation Research ( –Commends on a job well done and says, “Our modern church is plagued by compromise, with Christian leaders intimidated by the pronouncements of some scientists, who incorporated wrong thinking into the Biblical worldview.  They should read this thoughtful and well researched book.”

“Finally a thoughtful and scholarly book which begins with Scripture and works out from there has appeared on the subject of Creation.  This quote shows the methodology: ‘When Genesis says this thing was created such and such a day, then that’s the very origin of the thing stated, period!’  With a solid Biblical foundation one can move forward into the various theories of Creation.  This book is valuable precisely because it does that.” – Dr. Ronald Cottle Founder-President of Christian Life School of Theology (CLST)

“This book will be a great asset for those exposing the ‘great age’ heresies that have invaded the Church in the last two hundred years.  In my 38 plus years of study on the creation subject I have never seen a more dangerous compromise on the part of the church than to teach the ‘gap theory’ or the ‘day age theory.’  This book exposes both thoroughly in easy reading style.” – Dr. Kent Hovind of Creation Science Evangelism located in Pensacola, FL.

Creation Under Fire is well researched and carefully presented.  Our prayer is that this book will do much to settle the growing debate between evolution and creation”.

Ron Hembree President of Cornerstone Television

“My wife became an agnostic when she came up against atheistic professors in college.  I wish she had read your book.  It would have saved her years of turmoil.”

Sid Roth of Messianic Vision 



Is a Spirit filled, non-denominational/Inter-denominational ministry whose mission is …

Mission & Vision Statement

The mission of Rob Franzen in ministry is FIRST to continue to grow to know the Lord more intimately, and out of that, to support and assist the Church in fulfilling the Great Commission. To seek the Lord to be anointed and receive gifts of prophetic revelation – with the ability to impart that spirit and life (Jh. 6:63).  Our purpose is to evangelize the lost and teach, lead, and encourage as many as possible that they understand and know the Lord and His Word more intimately (Jer. 9:24; Phil. 3:10).  To promote the authority of Scripture, the Creation and Gospel message through God’s given gifts and talents, individually and collectively.

Mission & Vision of the Creation Under Fire Project

The importance of the creation message is because it is the foundation of the gospels and the entire New Testament Christians preach. Thus, the mission of the “Creation Under Fire project” is to educate people with the truth of our origin as revealed in the first book of the Holy Bible – Genesis.  To establish a clear understanding of the original thought and intent of the author as it was originally recorded; therewith, dispelling untrue theories of creation within the church. In turn, strengthening people’s faith and equipping them with real answers for the faith they possess and to defend it well. Also to expose one of the subtlest scheme Satan has ever unleashed on humanity, which has sent more people to hell than any other attack mankind has ever known.


Why Being a Christian Can Be Difficult? A Study in the Purpose of Brokenness Part I

Understanding Suffering. A Study in the Purpose of Brokenness Part II

The Patience of the Saints A Study in the Purpose of Brokenness Part III

The Avoided Doorway to the Glory of God A Study in the Purpose of Brokenness Part IV

Original Absolute Truth?

The Desensitizing of Our Culture and the Cure


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.