Jan Markel | Olive Tree Ministries
I have to be honest: This is an article I wish I didn’t have to write. The Christian walk is about good news, not bad. So I promise to take some bad news and turn it into good news before I am finished. But some of the paragraphs about which I write contain the inconvenient truth.
This is a call to prayer and spiritual warfare. We are battling principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12) and they are not even subtle today. They are bolder than some believers and some pulpits today. But were the church not here to provide a buffer against evil, the battle would be more intense. Can you imagine the chaos of the Tribulation when there is no restrainer?
Unprecedented Harassment
I am hearing from Christian leaders who are struggling with Satanic pushback like never before. They are experiencing discouragement, family struggles, health challenges, ministry conflict, and personal attacks. Frankly, they sense a horde of demons have been loosed to harass and discourage. I believe that is exactly what has happened.
Pastor J.D. Farag speaks of the rising tide of evil in his October 7 prophecy update. Pastor J.D.’s takeaway from speaking at my September 29 conference was that evil is increasing exponentially daily. He came to this conclusion, in part, by speaking to hundreds of attendees and hearing their stories. To say these are difficult days is an understatement.
In Amir Tsarfati’s current event update of October 19, he reports a demonic-like hijacking of some of his social media with accompanying text threats. He even had a message from a dark organization I will not name. I also wish to respect his privacy. However, he has shared a good deal of this online.
Lawlessness and Anarchy
What are we to make of the lawlessness around the world and particularly in America? The Godless are stirred up. They want no morals, no laws, no restraint, no rules, no standards. They don’t like faith, family, or love of country. They think their evil is good (Isaiah 5:20). They are filled with strong delusion believing violent progressiveness is the savior of the world.
They think they are righteous in threatening good people, chasing conservatives out of restaurants, assaulting politicians with bodily harm, and cursing out men like Ted Cruz in demonictantrums. But evil is in the air and they are breathing it in and then acting it out.
Even more Godless activity is stirred up and financed by a man who is in love with evil — George Soros.
Ahab and Jezebel in Washington
On September 26 the Satanic Arch of Baal, also known as the Arch of Palmyra, was planted in the heart of Washington, D.C. ISIS destroyed the original Temple of Baal in Syria in 2015. Its history goes back to the book of Kings and Ahab and Jezebel. Unspeakable activity went on in this pagan temple. It is the essence of evil and rebellion.

The Arch of Baal replica, also known as the Arch of Palmyra from Syria.
Why would anybody want to bring a replica of it back and honor it? Yet the replica began a global tour in 2015.
America welcomed it and had a “celebration” under it with the U.S. Capitol building in the background last month. It was at the same time the U.S. was embroiled in the Judge Kavanaugh controversy. Is it any wonder that his confirmation was consumed in turmoil when such a monument to evil was just a few miles away?
Spells Over a Cauldron
On Saturday, October 20, witches then put a hex on Judge Kavanaugh. Spectators were invited to pay $10 for tickets to watch spells being cast against a good and decent man.
Because evil has been unleashed, we cannot disagree with someone; rather, we must perpetrate acts of darkness with spells over a cauldron. Who could have imagined wickedness rising to this level?
Anything Goes
Spencer Gifts inside of a Chicago mall is featuring items for teens including t-shirts encouraging them to summon up demons and engage in actual bloodshed (details being spared here.) A local pastor intervened and stated, “We’re so close to being Sodom and Gomorrah. We’re living in a place where just anything goes. Do whatever you want, whatever you feel,” he lamented. “All I’m going to say is, repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”
And at the same time, Facebook censors prayer. The demons behind the tech giants couldn’t take it.
Pagan Pride
Pagan festivals are nothing new. People love to glory in wickedness and they suggest their nature worship is harmless. But I live in one of the occult capitols of the world here in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. This week they announced their forthcoming “Paganicon” for 2019 where revelers celebrate pagan pride. This is literally in my neighborhood and may be coming to yours.
The Devil’s Holiday
What you may not know is the pagan/occult world is on overdrive from October 13 – 31. Their special holiday is on the horizon: Halloween — the devil’s holiday. It is as if a spell comes over the entire globe for it is under the influence of the evil one (I John 5:19). As Amir Tsarfati reports, even Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Jews allow their youth to act ungodly only on this day.
These Jews are spiritually blind. What is the excuse of believers who sanction the darkness represented by this unholy day? What blinds them to the fact that this day represents far more than costumes and candy? Why would any righteous person want to participate, party, and decorate with ghosts and all things dark?
It would seem that some who should know better are giving heed to the doctrine of demons (I Timothy 4:1).
Evil to Wax Worse and Worse in the Last Days
The Bible is clear that the last days would be characterized by a demonic outpouring. Demons are real and the battle we wage is real. Evil is to wax worse and worse (II Timothy 3:13). When we see these things increasing, we are to know His return is very near.
Jesus Christ Crushes All Evil
I could fill many more paragraphs with further proof of this encroaching evil but I want to end on a note reminding you of a pending trumpet blast instead. Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work and He will (I John 3:8).
As full as the day is now with evil and devils, it will someday soon be filled thousands of times over with God’s glory and beauty. Yes, the earth has to go through much pain before that happens, but it will take place.
And all of those who wish to exalt themselves above God will be crushed.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. — Romans 8:38,39
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. I John 4:4