
Transhumanism is Satanism With A Brain Chip

Technology has inspired a dark religion, obsessed with power. This is mechanical sorcery for the modern adept on the go. Through its miracles, the naked ape is granted clairvoyance (weather apps), telepathy (texting), remote viewing (surveillance cameras), deadly curses (autonomous drones), and even tantric rites (sexbots). 

The Great Reset of Our Culture

How is the Great Reset using technology to change our culture towards globalism? Find out with Nathan Jones and Tim Moore on the television program, Christ in Prophecy!

The Great Reset Revealed

What is the Great Reset and how is it hurtling society headlong towards a one-world government? Find out with Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on…

Filling the Cup of Wrath

When looking upon the current malaise, it’s hard to avoid the questions: How did things get this way so quickly? Where is it all taking us? When will we reach that destination?