
Dark Diversity

Our schools choose their teaching staff by the color of their skin, not the content of their character or the extent of their knowledge, and…

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Fatal Philanthropy

An entrepreneur with an estimated net worth of more than $136 billion, Bill Gates founded Microsoft and technology; is deeply involved with the World Health…

Battle Update

We are in a war, but an irregular war the likes of which we’ve not seen before. China financed internal insurgents like BLM and Antifa….

The Demise of the Private Colleges

Private colleges are in financial straits, induced by their own progressive policies. …. Private colleges are in serious financial trouble.  According to Bloomberg, they may…

When Justice Isn’t

A letter written by a local elementary school teacher, I’ll call “Mrs. Krieg,” was brought to my attention by a mutual acquaintance.  In light of…

Amok Time

What possible connection could there be between today’s society and a Star Trek episode? Amok was a period during the Vulcan mating process where all…