end times

Day 2: Academic Backing Of Technocracy

The academic support for modern Technocracy is obvious and easily traced. The literature is pointed and definitive: they all envisaged a technocratic elite rising to dominate populations

Signs of the Times

What signs of the end times point to the soon return of Jesus Christ? For more episodes of “Christ in Prophecy” subscribe to this channel, and please visit us at https://christinprophecy.org/.

Prophetically Appointed Day and Hour

China the “king of the kings of the East.” scheduled to gather all others within its Oriental orbit for the movement to the Euphrates—the apparent barrier separating the Oriental and Occidental worlds.

What Is Satan’s Five-Part Plan to Destroy America?

Satan has a five-part plan to disrupt and destroy the United States of America and other Western societies, targeting the family unit, the sanctity of life, destroying individual identity by sowing confusion and dividing society so they turn against one another.