The Daily Skirmish – Alternatives to Woke Corporations

By CrispyCream27 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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Disney vowed to keep fighting Florida’s new parental rights law that prevents the sexualization of very young children in public schools. 

It gets worse. 

Disney’s president of entertainment said she supports having “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories” and wants at least 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.

An executive producer at Disney said it’s no secret the company is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.  [More at Dr. Rich Swier] In fact, Disney is creating a new task force to make more LGBT-aware content for what it calls ‘family entertainment’.  Oh, and I don’t know if you caught this:  Disney employees were arrested in a prostitution, human trafficking, and child predator sting in Florida not too far from Orlando.

This company has gone off the rails. 

The problems go back decades when Disney animators started making pornographic versions of Disney cartoons on the sly.  I don’t know why any parent would invite Disney into their living room now that Disney’s political agenda to sexualize young children is out in the open for all to see.  My advice is: don’t.  There are plenty of wholesome entertainment alternatives out there.  One alternative is Angel Studios, creators of the Tuttle Twins animated series.  Another is Sony’s Affirm division which makes faith-based films.  Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire is getting into entertainment, with the Run Hide Fight thriller set in a high school.  

We would appreciate your donation.

Daily Wire is also one of the news sites in the thriving ecosphere of new media outlets on the political Right set up as an alternative to the corrupt big media sites which have no problem, for example, hiding the Hunter Biden laptop story to swing the election.  Rumble is a credible alternative to YouTube which censors conservative speech.  

I ask people on the Left whether it’s important to get both sides of the story and they invariably say ‘yes’.  I ask them what sources on the Right they consult to get the other side of the story, and they tell me ‘none’ because they’re all ‘fascistic and reactionary’.  Then I confound them by recommending Just the News, which they’ve never heard of and can’t criticize.  Just the News will give you stories you won’t see in the Left-wing media and begin to reverse the damage the Left has done by manipulating half of America into disregarding out of hand everything the Right says, like this was the Soviet Union, or something.

There are alternatives to Amazon for buying books.  I like the independent book sellers on eBay who almost always have everything I want.  Of course there’s Barnes & Noble, and I’ve just discovered World of Books at  No reason to give your money to Jeff Bezos who keeps the insufferably liberal Washington Post on life support. 

Back to Ben Shapiro for a moment. 

Harry’s Razors stopped advertising on the Daily Wire because the publication dared to tell the truth about transgenderism.  So they fought back, starting their own razor company to compete with Harry’s.  The introductory video is a scream, with Jeremy of the new company Jeremy’s Razors taking a blowtorch to Harry’s products.  Over 10 million people have seen the video, so far.  Bye-bye, Harry’s.  Go Woke, Go Broke.

Finally, there’s no reason to keep giving your money to Big Charities like the United Way that funds the abortion business, or the Girl Scouts which supports transgenderism.  The best answer is to contribute to local charities you know don’t have a political axe to grind, but there are some national charities suggested on my Potomac Tea Party website.  A couple of them run guide dog schools for the blind, and there are several others to choose from.

So if you’re tired of giving your money to people who hate you – who hate America and are trying to destroy your children – vote with your pocketbook and try the alternatives I’ve suggested here today. 

If you discover more, please let me know at and I will publicize them.  We can do this thing, and make the likes of Twitter – which has canceled me – come groveling back to us.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

The above Commentary is from the Chris Wright's Liberato website ( Chris Wright is an independent liberty activist in the leadership of Potomac Tea Party, a national Tea Party based in Northern Virginia. He founded and is president of the first and only nonprofit formed to empower grassroots activists with small financial grants. He founded the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT) in 2013 to counter communist influence at home and abroad. ACAT’s Speakers Bureau has presented to the Heritage Foundation and Leadership Institute, and been on Breitbart and LevinTV. Mr. Wright has also formed a number of national teams fighting the Woke Mob at national historic sites, RINOs, sharia supremacists, and others. His latest initiative is the American Renaissance Network, with the audacious goal of taking down the American Left. “We have not even scratched the surface of what we can do if only we will work together, effectively.” Contact: Websites – American Renaissance Network Potomac Tea Party Liberato.US Anticommunism Action Team