Free Livestreaming: The First Landing 1607 Team: “Declaration of Covenant” Event: April 26, Virginia Beach

First Landing 1607 Project

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A Re-dedication of America Back to God

APRIL 26, 2023, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA – Inspired by one pastor’s call to save America by “going back to origin,” patriots, pastors, priests, government leaders and former military will gather to re-dedicate America back to God where America’s first civil covenant, the “1607 Land Dedication Covenant” at First Landing was recorded on April 29,1607. The ticketed “Declaration Of Covenant” event will take place at the Marriott Delta Hotel near First Landing State Park on Wednesday, April 26 from 1 – 4 P.M., with a special Gala Dinner meet and greet following from 6-11pm. Folks are also invited to gather for prayer at Spring Branch Church following the event from 7- 8:30 P.M.


The “Declaration Of Covenant” event and the Gala Dinner will be live streamed for free from the website and is available both to churches and to individuals by registering at

First Landing visionary, Reverend Jack Stagman, a retired pastor from Leesburg, VA, awoke this past summer at 3:00 A.M. with a sense of grieving. Jack says, “I heard two times very clearly, “GO BACK TO ORIGIN. GO BACK TO ORIGIN.” Eventually, God revealed the meaning and the “place of origin”– First Landing, Virginia Beach, in Jack’s home state where the gospel first influenced the founding of America in 1607, thirteen years before the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth. Jack laments, “Now that America has turned away from God, the [Christian] remnant realizes the importance of re-covenanting with God. Evil has taken over our nation in every sphere of influence. Unless America repents and re-covenants, she will continue to decline.”

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Dean of Government at Regent University and former Senator, Michele Bachmann understands the urgency to restore our nation well. She will speak at the event and issued a video invitation for the “Declaration Of Covenant.”

“America’s got marital problems!” says Pray America Great author Donica Hudson, who penned the “Declaration Of Covenant”. “As a nation, we have left our first love and prostituted ourselves with foreign Gods like ancient Israel did when God issued her a certificate of divorce in Jeremiah 3:8. As the First Landing colonists did, we need to kneel to God in prayer, repent and rededicate this land and ourselves to God. We need to stand for our flag and appeal to heaven to stop the rise of the antichrist one world government threatening our nation’s freedom.”

The First Landing 1607 Project Core National Team includes Reverend Jack Stagman, Don Blake, Craig Hudgins, Donica Hudson and Robert and Jaime Agee. Arthur Mace, Pastor of Spring Branch Church heads up the local Virginia Beach Intercessory Event for First Landing.

Don Blake, founder of the Virginia Christian Alliance, has made it his goal to secure a legislative Resolution for an Annual First Landing Day in Virginia Beach and to have the best website on the history of First Landing. Website designer Robert Agee and wife, Jaime, founders of Banners 4 Freedom, have made that magnificent website a reality and have spearheaded the planning of the event and the production of the First Landing documentary. View the First Landing promo video on the website.

In keeping with the colonists’ desire that America become “evangelist to the world,” Reverend Stagman believes that the “Gideon 300” who will attend the First Landing event will transform America. Craig Hudgins paints a scene from the “The Bible” 2013 movie where Jesus and Peter are getting out of the boat. Peter asks Jesus, “Where are we going, Lord?” Jesus answers, “We are going to change the world.””

This event recognizing brave 1607 First Landing colonists who also “got out of the boat” is expected to sell out. Purchase your ticket at First Landing 1607. All media must register on the website. Upon acceptance, media will be emailed a link to obtain a Press Pass.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.