The Rising Tide of Civil Terrorism

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by Joseph Rogowski |

Reprint by permission from Minding The Times

In our present-day culture, daily reports of aggressive, militant, and violent action of groups or individuals, driven by an oppressive hostility and political correctness against our civil institutions, social order, people of faith, holders of opposing political views, and even ordinary school children, grow in such numbers, frequency, and cruelty that they can only be characterized as “civil terrorism.”

Nowhere is this seen more than in any of our public forums, and our political discourse and interactions on any given day on any given topic.

This accelerating rise of rebellious and selfish behavior of these groups borders on anarchical. Their intent is to generate passivity, timidity, and fear in targeted populations, like the Church, conservatives, people of faith and even law-abiding citizens, for opposing their ideologies and to pressure them into submission and silence.

As of July 2018, Breitbart news organization has compiled a list of over 600 instances of harassment, intimidation, coercion, and violent acts of every form against such targets as teenagers, seniors, veterans, even military, single women, clergy, and opposing political figures and their families. By news accounts, that list has grown appreciably since then.

It is well documented that mainline Democrat/Liberal leaders such as Maxine Waters, former vice-presidential candidate Senator Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Andrew Cuomo, Pelosi, and countless others have incited this crudity with their incendiary calls for “resistance” against the present administration, its membership, its citizen proponents, its voters and followers, ranking office holders and their families, and even against religious and conservative leaders and adherents. They virtually sanction the disruptive tactics of such terror groups like Antifa and MS 13, and the militant Black Lives Matter and abortion factions. Who can forget Nancy Pelosi lecturing the Pope with her demented view on Christian doctrine and Lois Lerner’s IRS secret targeting of conservative groups. Planned Parenthood and its supporters, of course, carry on their own unique form of civil terror.

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This despicable behavior snowballs and then gives boost to the simple-minded to spit on the President’s son and insult members of Congress in restaurants, harass President staffers while fulfilling their duties to say nothing of hoodlums taunting weaker folks in fast food places, out shopping in malls, or on strolls in parks. And who can forget the attack on Republican Senator Rand Paul of Tennessee, one of the most principled members of Congress, who was assaulted in his own back yard, suffering three broken ribs. He still suffers with some breathing difficulties. His terror-stricken wife now carries a handgun.

Among the most egregious occurrences of civil terror has been against students or school faculty on college campuses. Instances of violence or threats against conservative students – and sometimes even conservative professors – are becoming commonplace even at some of America’s most prestigious universities, now crumbling pillars of free expression and thought. This trend is even seen expanding to the high school level. Is it unrealistic to consider that our rash of high school shootings flow within this stream of civil terrorism – students taking “resistance” action to express their hatred of society’s restraints on their selfish and demented whims?

Nothing reveals our culture’s civil terror more than that perpetrated by the homosexual/ transgender groups against ordinary Americans, not because of their political beliefs but because of their religious beliefs. As a protected class by positivistic, godless laws, LGBTQ groups use their power and influence to inflict unrestrained, catastrophic damage to ordinary citizens with attacks on their wage-earning livelihoods and small businesses. Companies are pressured to drop their sponsorships of conservative TV programs.

Epitomizing this fractious behavior is the recent U.S. women’s World Cup soccer team, laden with homosexuals, attacking the very foundations and principles of the country they’re supposed to represent while excluding players of opposing lifestyle views from qualifying for the team. In our punishing politically correct environment, with the protection of positivistic law, LGBTQs have the tools of control over societal personal freedoms, religious beliefs, and personal preferences. LGBTQ groups use their repressive and restrictive tactics to promote their own special interests and agenda with impunity, protected by laws unfounded and unchecked by religious influence and morals.

These current reactionary movements, nurtured by the mind molders of academia, the degenerate arts and entertainment industry, and the mendacious media that portray themselves as ennobled, patriotic “resistance” warriors, are implicit, by definition, “rebellion” in its raw and ugly form. In their gross selfish and deranged mentality, their behavior is the specious rejection of all authority – moral, religious, magisterial, rule of law, law enforcement, logic, expert opinion, voter and legal judicial outcomes, universal and traditional heritage, and even a renunciation of true justice. On a national level, they refuse to acknowledge that the President won his office by all legal and necessary lawful means. They refuse to acknowledge that he is leading the country in its wellbeing successfully in every recorded category and index.

The hostile actions of these groups can only be viewed as an ultimate indifference to the looming, mortal, disastrous impact on our societal harmony, successful social order, and national stability. Their selfishness and lust for power flows without restraint. Resistance isn’t their strategy, rebellion is. Their method is civil terrorism. And they enjoy the virtual sanction of the Democratic Party with its financial supporters, our liberal, extremist organizations, and our activist judiciary. Congress needs to remove this unfair protected class status of the LGBTQ movement.

Joseph Rogowski serves as a board member on the Virginia Christian Alliance


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Joe Rogowski
Joe Rogowski is a member of the Virginia Christian Alliance Advisory Board, a former missionary and itinerant teacher, who recently has been on numerous mission trips to Africa and Europe teaching on Biblical Worldview and Culture.
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