U.S. Instrumental in Stage-Setting


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Terry James | Prophecy Line

Presidential election day 2016, in my thinking, seems to have been a switch somewhere in the supernatural realm that put Bible prophecy in fast forward.

This column has been devoted on many occasions to how economic exigencies are–in my view–tied to Jesus’ foretelling about a marked uptick in buying, selling, etc., at the time He next catastrophically intervenes in the affairs of man–this involving Matthew 24:36-42, Luke 17:26-30 and the Rapture of the Church. I am convicted that we are entering such a time as the Lord described in those passages–a time involving economic boom, not bust, as many economic gurus would have it.

One can sense the hand of God holding back, moving around, shifting and manipulating things on the national and international scenes–amidst the satanic rage that drives the world toward complete insanity. That is, one can sense it spiritually, if properly attuned to God’s Word, and where this generation stands in relationship to what that Word has to say about end-times things.

This ability to spiritually sense the lateness of the prophetic hour is not exclusive to those who write, teach, lecture, broadcast and preach on biblical matters. How near we are as a generation to Christ’s return can be spiritually discerned by any born-again child of God who will study God’s Word diligently and prayerfully seek enlightenment by the Holy Spirit. God tells us in His Word: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for proof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16).

This Truth is all-encompassing. It includes understanding prophecy and how it applies to the Christian. I believe this biblical truth is particularly essential to comprehend by this present generation of believers. Sadly, very few are aware of the privilege of understanding the times they have. This is the fault of both individual Christians and their pastors and teachers who should be doing the job God has put us here to do.

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With all that as preface, we now examine the matter of end-times Bible prophecy that we are looking squarely in the face.

Just as we are living at a time when economic uptick indicates we are in the “days of Noah, days of Lot” Jesus foretold, we are seeing God’s mighty hand move the end-times nations about for the final act of this great play that is called human history.

The United States of America, although not mentioned by name anywhere in Scripture, is nonetheless in the middle of God’s directing of human history’s final act.

Iran, ancient Persiais, as most who have studied Bible prophecy know, a key player destined to join the coalition in attacking Israel as foretold by Ezekiel the prophet. We have watched for months, even years, as the nations of prophetic import have been aligning to Israel’s north. Iran has been the focal interest, not just of those who look at eschatology, but of the diplomats of the world who fear Iran’s nuclear development program.

At present, it looks as if the prophetic lens is focusing on that end-times player. The following article excerpt on “Rapture Ready News” lets us see the focus.

The United States urged Britain on Sunday to ditch its support for a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and instead join forces with Washington to counter the global threat it says Tehran poses. Despite opposition from European allies, US President Trump in May pulled the United States out of a deal between world powers and Tehran under which international sanctions were lifted in return for curbs on Iran’s nuclear program.

Another “Rapture Ready News” headline shows the reason for concern by the international community regarding Iran’s nuclear threat.

Iran test-fired a ballistic missile in a brazen display of defiance months after President Trump pulled the United States out of a landmark nuclear deal and days before his administration slapped new sanctions on the Islamic Republic, three U.S. officials with knowledge of the launch tell Fox News.

The relevance to the U.S. being used in the matter of the Lord’s directing the great, end-times play is that the coalition plainly doesn’t use nuclear weaponry in the Gog-Magog attack. This is described as a land invasion. An attacking force wouldn’t contaminate “spoils” they intend to take with nuclear radiation. Therefore, it is possible to discern that Iran’s (ancient Persia’s) nuclear capability will either be destroyed or prevented from being used in some other way in that future attack on Israel.

The current president of the United States seems central in seeing to it that Iran doesn’t use nuclear weaponry in that future assault.

Mr. Trump also is instrumental in dealing with another of the Gog-Magog coalition members–Turkey (Togarmah, as Ezekiel calls that part of the world).

Turkey has been an ally of the U.S. for many years. It is a member of NATO. But, lately, its newly elected president for life is threatening those relationships. He, at the same time, has become a close friend to Russia’s equally dictatorial president, Vladimir Putin. We see the focus on this prophetic stage-setting in the following “Rapture Ready News” excerpt.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused the US of trying to “bring Turkey to its knees through threats over a pastor”. The US has demanded the release of Andrew Brunson and on Friday doubled tariffs on steel and aluminium imports. The diplomatic spat sent the lira down 16% against the dollar on Friday. Mr. Erdogan also wrote in the New York Times that unless the US changed course, Turkey would look for new friends and allies.

America, we can see on a growing daily basis, is being used as an instrument to shape things to come at the end of this dispensation–the Age of Grace.

This president, like him or not, accept him or not, was inserted into this generation in a miraculous way in the view of yours truly. He, although probably unknowingly, continues to perform his assigned divine appointment, as does the United States of America.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Terry James
Leading biblical prophecy expert Terry James is an author, general editor, and co-author of numerous books on Bible prophecy—hundreds of thousands of which have been sold worldwide. His latest release is Rapture Ready…Or Not? 15 Reasons This Is the Generation That Will Be Left Behind, is for this generation of readers who are confused and look upon a world that seems to have destroyed opportunity for a bright, abundant future. The Rapture is about to catastrophically strike an unsuspecting world of both unbelievers and believers. Jesus Christ is the shelter from the coming Tribulation storm of God’s wrath and judgment.
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