Virginia Biblical Voter: Election Tools, Share with Others

Biblical Voter

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From Don Blake: Virginia Christian Alliance

Dear Virginia Christian,

This page has the iVoteGuide along with high-value links below and downloads for churches and Virginia Christians to share and multiply to their friends and neighbors. The main resource page we found is Biblical Voter website here.

All hands on deck

Time for Christians to Mobilize in Love and Truth!

Virginia Election Information 

(CLICK HERE→)Sample Ballot and Voter Guides (←CLICK HERE)

This is a fight for the life of our country.  A Biden/Harris win will doom our religious and economic freedoms and erase our lives as free-thinking, liberty-loving Americans.

Share with church leadership, and social media like Facebook and Twitter and everywhere where folks connect. 

These are critical times and the time to stand up for God

Stand  on Biblical truths and to love your neighbor is to share truth with them, in love.

 Forward this to everyone, time is short and we have elections to WIN! 

Read on



We would appreciate your donation.

Party Platform Comparisons: LINK

Church and Pastor’s Resources: LINK

Main Resource Websites


Why Christians Should Register to Vote and VOTE:  Honor, Duty and Privilege

  1. God expects Christians to vote; yet, 2 of every 5 self-professed Christians do not vote regularly and about 1 in 5 are not even registered to vote.
  2. Politics is not a secular institution.  It is Biblical – from the beginning of God’s establishment of government.  The Christian worldview is the only accurate depiction of the reality of this world that we humans have.  Christians must encourage the Godly exercise of political power.  All politics is a moral exercise.  Shall “political good” be defined by secularists and atheists or by Christians?
  3. Politics now encompasses all aspects of daily living – marriage, life, sexuality, family, personal virtue, etc.  These all used to involve moral issues which were to be informed by the final authority – God’s word.
  4. Involvement in politics is merely an extension of the Cultural Commission given in Geneses 1:27,28.  It is the Christian’s duty and role to interpret reality from a biblical point of view.
  5. Voting is a simple thing to do.  It is a right in America that must be exercised biblically.  We are all going to be governed by man-made laws.  We must vote for men and women who will make those laws and govern in accordance with God’s written word.

Please give consideration as to how you can get the word out to those in your sphere of influence to register to vote and then to vote.

Included here are 3 aids to help get Christians engaged for the November election:

  1. Poster   2. Church Bulletin (Customize)  3. Party Platforms 4. Did You Know Cards (customize)

NOTE:  Deadline for registering to vote is October 14th for 2020.  Ways to register:  online, in person or by mail.



Don Blake, Chairman and President

Virginia Christian Alliance

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.