Virginia Pro-Life Bootcamp – Planting Seeds Across the Commonwealth

VCA Board and Advisors at Bootcamp Nov 1-2 2013

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The VA Christian Alliance co-hosted the Virginia Pro-Life Bootcamp along with the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform.  Don Blake and Greene Hollowell were instrumental in helping VCA Board Advisor Nicole Cooley and fellow Virginia CBR project director Maggie Egger plan and also provide logistical support for the event. 

A second Pro-Life Bootcamp is planned for August 29-30 at Douthat State Park.  You can support our next Bootcamp through VCA and noting “Bootcamp” in the remarks section.

VCA Board and Advisors at Bootcamp Nov 1-2 2013VCA Board and Advisors,Bootcamp Nov 1-2 2013

“It has been an incredible experience…I learned more about the pro-life community as a whole…After you see a picture of abortion and know what it looks like, it really drives you to abolish it.  That’s why I’m here,” said Chris from VA Tech.

Jay Watts (from the Life Training Institute) shared the best arguments and methods to handle the most difficult opponents.  The apologetics sessions with Jay were the highlight of the Bootcamp, as reflected on the feedback forms.   Students wanted even more time with Jay, and kept him talking  for hours in the parking lot afterwards.  We confirmed Jay for next year’s Bootcamp as well, and will give him even more time, as the students have requested!

Dr Johnny Hunter and Joey from Va Tech talk between sessionsDr Johnny Hunter and Joey from Va Tech talk between sessionsDr. Johnny Hunter opened his remarks to the group with the statement, “The problem with this group is you’re too white!”  He encouraged students to enlist the help of others from the Black Student Union and other groups on campus to increase their impact.  He told students to find new ways to reach the current culture for life.  “The biggest thing you are dealing with is an uniformed public, “ he said.  Between sessions he also mentored students – what a blessing to have him join us!

We would appreciate your donation.

Annie from VA Tech appreciated Rita Dunaway’s talk on the background of so-called “personhood bills” in Virginia and nationwide.  This session prepared students to competently respond to attacks on VA pro-life legislation.  Everyone also enjoyed the chance to network with others and to hear the  “Silent No More” testimonies about how abortion hurts men and women. 

Beth from Liberty told us, “I’ve learned better how to defend our beliefs and how to promote our group and spread awareness.  I’m very excited to get back to campus and put into practice everything I’ve learned.”  Beth and her fellow students did just that.  Following Bootcamp, GMU, Liberty and VA Tech held “CHOICE” sign outreaches.  GMU and VA Tech also hosted GAP during the next semester.  At VA Tech’s Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), CBR recruited a new full-time pro-life staff member who will begin after she finishes school.  Wow!  Praise God!

In response to the GAP at Virginia Tech, a student wrote a letter to the editor endorsing the project.  In his letter he stated, “I am thankful for the sobering visual recording of the atrocities presented on our campus those two days so that current and future generations can see the horrors humanity is capable of when we forget history, and rely on radical moral rationalism.” Collegiate Times

You can read more about the work of the Center of Bio-Ethical Reform on college campuses at and at their associated blog,

Virginia Pro-Life Bootcamp Class of 2013 November 1-3 2013Virginia Pro-Life Bootcamp Class of 2013
November 1-3 2013
Va Tech Drill FieldVa Tech Drill Field
Nicole Cooley closed Bootcamp asking students Who inspires you  She taught about great social reformers of the past like William Wilberforce and Martin Luther King JrNicole Cooley closed Bootcamp asking students Who inspires you
She taught about great social reformers of the past
like William Wilberforce and Martin Luther King Jr
Rachel and Beth from Liberty practice pro-life apologetics during lunchRachel and Beth from Liberty practice pro-life apologetics during lunch
Russell from Silent No More shared his story of regret from abortion along with Pam Messina Martha Cassell and Nicole Cooley  The students appreciated their testimonies and asked for more next yearRussell from Silent No More shared his story of regret from
abortion along with Pam Messina Martha Cassell and Nicole Cooley
The students appreciated their testimonies and asked for more next year



The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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