5th Circuit Exposes Sordid Underbelly of Same-Sex ‘Parenting’

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Jeff Allen | Barbwire

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The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is currently reviewing three same-sex “marriage” cases, including a lower court ruling by District Judge Martin Feldman, who became the first federal judge to exhibit proper judicial restraint when he unflinchingly rendered his legal decision in support of traditional marriage. Last September, Judge Feldman upheld Louisiana’s 2004 amendment to their constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman which was overwhelmingly approved by 78% of voters in the Pelican State. The judge stated in his ruling, “Marriage is a legitimate concern of state law and policy, and that it may be rightly regulated because of what for centuries has been its role.” We can only hope that the 5th Circuit located in New Orleans will follow suit and affirm Feldman’s constitutionally aligned decision in support of the will of the people and the right of states – Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi – to protect and defend real marriage.

The legal proceedings associated with this crucial case have also facilitated in exposing the sordid underbelly of same-sex parenting. As the Washington Times reported, “Four adult children of ‘gay’ parents — acting as a ‘quartet of truth’ — have submitted briefs to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals opposing same-sex ‘marriages,’ with several saying that growing up under the rainbow was neither normal nor pleasant.”

Although counterfeit “marriage” is now permitted in 36 states and Washington D.C., everything is not all hunky-dory for the estimated 220,000 children that are presently being raised by homosexual parents. In her brief to the 5th Circuit, Dawn Stefanowicz described her home life as bizarre and morally twisted. She wrote that her “gay” father was so obsessed with sex that when she brought a male classmate home from high school, both her father and his lover shamelessly propositioned him for sex.

“Your childhood is divided to please the adults,” Stefanowicz wrote, based upon her 30 years of experience with the LGBT subculture and dialogue with dozens of other adult children who were raised by homosexual parents. Ms. Stefanowicz further explained that due to the absence of either or both biological parents “our home environments have unique and unstable characteristics.” And that’s putting it very mildly. The Washington Times article from last Thursday presented many of the graphic and abusive aspects of life in a sex-saturated, same-sex household:

Ms. Stefanowicz said she “absolutely” loved her father, who died of AIDS in 1991, but he was a troubled man who sexually abused both her and her twin brother and brought countless men into their home.

“I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk,” wrote Ms. Stefanowicz, adding that her father sometimes took her on his “cruising” visits to gay art galleries, nude beaches and public parks.

Like other daughters of gay men she has talked with, Ms. Stefanowicz said she felt she — and her femininity — were not valued or affirmed.

“Ultimately, I was seeking his love and acceptance. [But] I was not allowed to freely question him, bring up moral arguments or hurt his feelings, or I would face long-term repercussions,” Ms. Stefanowicz wrote.

Another member of the “quartet of truth,” Katy Faust, wrote in her brief that every child enters this world with two basic human rights. “First, the right to live,” she stated, and “Second, the right to have a relationship with his/her father and mother.” But unnatural “marriage” absolutely guarantees that the latter of those two rights will invariably be ripped from a child by intentionally depriving them of a least one biological parent.

Despite the absence of any criticism regarding her lesbian parents, Faust is still urging the 5th Circuit to preserve man-woman marriage laws and state constitutional amendments. “It wasn’t until I had children of my own that the wholeness and worth of having both father and mother raising their children together hit me like a freight train,” Faust asserted, “marriage law should always encourage and promote that ideal of mothers and fathers parenting their children together.”

B.N. Klein, a third traumatized adult child of “gay” parents, noted the “utter contempt” expressed by her mother and lesbian partner for heterosexual families. Her isolation from the “inferior” straight culture was so comprehensive that it wasn’t until she was placed in foster care that she finally realized the extent to which her mind had been poisoned. Klein sadly stated, “I had no idea how two heterosexuals behaved toward their children as mother and father,” adding that her lesbian “mothers” who are both deceased can “never hurt me again.”

Klein also described how she was expected to pay “constant homage and attention” to her mothers’ lesbian lifestyle. She was taught to believe that LGBT individuals were “much more creative and artistic” because they were uninhibited by the sexual repression experienced by heterosexuals.

Klein further emphasized the fact that pretend same-sex “marriage” typically elevates parental narcissism far above the bests interests and welfare of children. As Klein pointedly put it in her brief, “While I do not believe all gays would be de facto bad parents, I know that the gay community has never in my lifetime put children first as anything other than a piece of property, a past mistake or a political tool to be dressed up and taken out as part of a dog-and-pony show to impress the well-meaning.”

The Washington Times article included the insightful details of Robert Oscar Lopez’s legal brief to the court as well. In it, he presented his personal perspective on the inherent shortcomings of gender-nullifying “marriage.”

Robert Oscar Lopez said his two lesbian mothers were conscientious about his upbringing, but he became so emotionally confused that he turned to gay prostitution as a teen and gay and bisexual relationships as an adult.

Mr. Lopez said he and other children of gays feel “pain” — but it’s because there’s a “missing biological parent,” not because people lack legal marriage.
He said his childhood exposure to radical Catholic liberation theology and talk about “the beauty of homosexual relationships” led him into years of sexual experimentation, including taking money for sex with men.

A reunion with his long-estranged father led to his escape from the “toxic” gay family life, said Mr. Lopez, who is now married to his girlfriend and a father.

Based upon nothing more than the self-serving desires of homosexual activists, marriage is being radically morphed into an unrecognizable monstrosity of its former self. It’s like some kind of ghoulish “gay” adaptation of The Island of Dr. Moreau gone horribly awry. And America’s most vulnerable among us have tragically become the helpless guinea pigs.

These eye-opening testimonials from the “quartet of truth” shed much needed light upon the devastating repercussions of the Left’s misguided social experiment in all its gory details. We must rein in this madness before many more children are forced to suffer needlessly.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals would be wise to refrain from acting like judicial oligarchs by overstepping their constitutionally-imposed boundaries. The justices should do the right thing and heed the voices of the victimized, who know firsthand what they’re talking about. A display of such exceptional legal restraint would actually be quite refreshing, and it’s long overdue.

The time has finally come to put the “prudence” back in jurisprudence.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/01/14/0800-sordid-underbelly-sex-parenting-exposed/

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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