Biden’s Radical Choice for HHS

Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine speaking at the virtual press conference. The Pennsylvania Department of Health today confirmed as of 12:00 a.m., March 20, that there are 83 additional positive cases of COVID-19 reported, bringing the statewide total to 268. County-specific information and a statewide map are available here. All people are either in isolation at home or being treated at the hospital. Harrisburg, PA- March 20, 2020 Date 20 March 2020, 13:26 Source Gov. Wolf, Secretary Levine Provide Updated Guidance, Stress Need for Compliance as Cases Rise

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American Family Association (AFA) opposes this nomination and is urging you to contact your Senators and ask them to vote against Dr. Levine who is a radical advocate for the homosexual and transgender agenda. He is a biological male who identifies as female or a transgender female as the politically correct culture defines it.

Contact and urge your Senators to oppose the nomination of Levine.

Our friends at Family Research Council (FRC) have produced an analysis of Levine’s radical views on adolescent sexuality that includes genital mutilation for sex change purposes and the normalization of and advocacy for transgender ideology among school-aged children. FRC’s analysis states:

Levine explained (in a 2017 speech at Franklin & Marshall College) that the current protocols for gender-dysphoric youth involve prescribing puberty blockers during the first stages of puberty, and then introducing cross-sex hormones between the ages of 14 and 16 after continued counseling. Then, around age 18, the patient may undergo (genital mutilation and reconstruction) surgery. However, Levine noted that there are exceptions, suggesting that certain circumstances permit performing surgical procedures even on patients under the age of 18.

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Levine’s ideology and policies on human sexuality are very extreme and problematic, and these views on child sexuality will most assuredly be incorporated at the Department of Health should Levine be confirmed by the Senate.

TAKE ACTION NOW: Tell your Senate Health Committee member to vote against Levine to HHS  

During Levin’s hearing before the U.S. Senate Health Committee, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) said that as a nation we’ve seen “over the past 10-12 years more and more problems with mental health with our young people.” Tuberville then asked Levine, “What do you think’s the answer to that?”

Levine answered by saying, “I think we need prevention programs to prevent mental health problems in our schools…. [W]e need prevention programs in our communities and community health centers and access to treatment.” Levine’s solution for the prevention of and treatment for child mental health problems related to sexual identity would likely incorporate a radical transgender ideology as a health care norm.

Levine’s approach to preventing child mental health problems by affirming and normalizing transgender ideology would perpetuate and exacerbate the problem. For Levine, confusion about a child’s sexual identity would no longer be solved by simply counseling a child that his/her sexual identity is a fixed, biological reality determined at conception. Instead, Biden’s HHS nominee would lead children down an unscientific and destructive path. Levine would say the solution to sexual confusion among children would be to counsel them to declare their own sexual identity irrespective of their biological sex.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) also raised serious questions during the Senate Health Committee hearing about Levine’s advocacy for genital mutilation. During Senator Paul’s exchange, Levine refused to denounce this grotesque act.

Biden’s nominee must not be confirmed! Tell your senator to vote against Levine’s nomination. 

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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The Stand
The Stand – Addressing Culture, Promoting Faith, and Defending the Family  Sign Up Now: Get the timely blogs delivered in your email box each weekday from the American Family from writers you can trust addressing culture, promoting faith, and defending the family. Mission The mission of American Family Association is to inform, equip, and activate individuals and families to transform American culture and to give aid to the church, here and abroad, in its calling to fulfill the Great Commission. Vision The vision of American Family Association is to be a leading organization in biblical worldview training for cultural transformation. Core values The following presents the core values of American Family Association. AFA desires that these values define and drive this ministry to transform culture by fulfilling the Great Commission.