A Christian Response to the Grammys’ Gay Wedding

Brad Huddleston

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The 2014 Grammys featured a mass wedding that included homosexuals. WHSV TV 3 asked Brad for his comments for the news. Of course only a small portion of the interview made it on the news. This is the full-length interview:


Mass Wedding During Grammys

Khiree Stewart: What is your stance right on gay marriage and same sex marriage?

Brad Huddleson: Well, being a Christian I do follow the Bible. I’m a conservative Christian, which means I take many parts of the Bible literally and throughout the Scriptures both testaments, old and the new homosexuality is written about on a number of occasions and while we love the homosexual community, those practices are a sin. They are labeled something that would separate us from God. So my position is God’s position. But that doesn’t mean we don’t love everyone. We want to see everyone come to Christ and turn from sin and my position is that we’re here to help people to do that.

Khiree Stewart: Okay. I’m not sure whether you saw the Grammys last night. Or whether…

Brad Huddleson: I did.

Khiree Stewart: You did? So you saw…

Brad Huddleson: Uh huh

Khiree Stewart: What happened with the 33 couples…

Brad Huddleson: Yes.

Khiree Stewart: Both of the gay and straight couples that got married on stage.

Brad Huddleson: Yes.

Khiree Stewart: What does that mean to you? As someone who is against same sex marriage? Seeing that on tv, what are your thoughts on that?

Brad Huddleson: Well, it’s undeniable, what Christianity, the role that Christianity played in the founding of this county and that is why 80 some plus percent identify themselves as being a Christian in some form or another in this country. So, for those of us who follow the Bible naturally what we saw last night would be against that. In fact, it was quite militant, very intolerable and there was a lot of hate speech in there because there were references in the song, in the rap song in particularly against conservative Christians and I have the lyrics right here and I’ve studied them and definitely there was not much compassion and love. And the homosexual organization GLAD, they’re very vocal and militant, they remind of the people from Westboro Baptist Church, the ones who protest at a lot of military funerals who tell the military people that they’re going to Hell and all of that sort of stuff. They reminded me of that kind of fervor and passion and in your face, we’re not going anywhere and that sort of thing, so it came across last night as very bigoted and very hate filled. And of course it was blasphemous because they had a chapel set up with stained glass windows and it looked like a church, looked like a cathedral. And then of course they were really in your face, saying things that are very much against Christianity They made references to Christianity and it was not positive at all in the way that it came across.

Khiree Stewart: Okay, so I was talking to someone earlier today we were talking about how 10 years ago we really wouldn’t have see something like that on television, but now you kinda see it on a lot of places on tv, you know. What do you see coming out of this? Now, that you’ve seen something like this on tv. It’s pretty much everywhere now, it’s all in the media. How do you see this going? Like do you seeing this becoming more accepted over you know the next five and ten and twenty years or do you see it becoming nationally legalized, same sex marriage? What are your thoughts on that?

Brad Huddleson: Well, the homosexual community, the LGBTQ community definitely have momentum and there has been a cultural shift in the past ten, twenty years that is undeniable. They have a lot of momentum and it doesn’t seem like there is any stopping it. And they seem to have the upper hand in the laws that protect them. They seem to be very adamant, they are like evangelists. They are very much into proselytizing, not only proselytizing, but forcing their agenda through the laws and they’re very active politically. Christians are as well and so, to be fair, we have been for a long time too, but so are they. So, unless we would have what Christians call a revival, which would mean a return to Biblical values that they country was founded on, I really don’t see much stopping this movement.

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Khiree Stewart: So, you believe that eventually this will become a net? Kinda like in Europe?

Brad Huddleson: Yes.

Khiree Stewart: That’s going to eventually…

Brad Huddleson: I hope not. I hope that the momentum stops, because I’m a Christian and anything that separates us from God, which is sin, homosexuality in the Bible is listed as one of those sins that separates us from God. It disturbs me because I do love people. It’s because I do love them and knowing that sin and any sin separates us from God, we must turn away from that and get back to Jesus. And so my motive for wanting the momentum to stop is because I want them to get into Heaven and I know that that in of itself would get me labeled as a bigot or whatever but I’m going again on the truth of the Word of God as a minister I have to stick with that. But I don’t see it stopping. I see it infecting every part of culture. It ha happened more rapidly that any movement that I have ever witnessed to be honest with you. So unless we have a renewal of Christianity in this country, I believe it’s going to continue its current path.

Khiree Stewart: Do you see it becoming legalized here in Virginia fairly quickly? Because I’m not sure if you heard or not…

Brad Huddleson: Uh huh.

Khiree Stewart: The Attorney General Herring, the new Attorney General. He is saying that the ban in Virginia on same sex marriage is unconstitutional. How far down the line do you see it becoming legal in the state of Virginia?

Brad Huddleson: Well, obviously there is going to be a fight. The conservatives in our local Senate or our state Senate and they’re going to fight that of course, the conservatives are. But with our Attorney General, he did not mention any of these sorts of things on the campaign trail, suddenly once he gets elected he goes out of the gate pretty much swinging, so while I hope he does not gain momentum, I fear that he will. I fear that he will gain ground for the homosexual lobby. I think that the laws will start to turn and that fear will infect a lot of people that if we make statements like I’m making here on the camera, I will run the risk of being taken to court on civil liberty charges of violating people’s civil liberties. Although mine are being violated everyday I mean they’re in the song lyrics that were on the Grammys last night. My civil rights were clearly violated, but of course if you, tolerances \seems to only work one way. I think that’s going to be the same in our state government now that the Democrats are in control.

Khiree Stewart: I’m just curious. What are your thoughts on people who go to church but still consider themselves, people who are homosexual, that are in same sex marriages who still go to church and consider themselves to be Christian loving or God loving people.

Brad Huddleson: I draw a distinction between practicing homosexuals and non-practicing homosexuals. According to the Bible, it’s not a sin to be tempted. I’m tempted to sin all of the time. Homosexuality is just a temptation, because I’m not homosexual when I am tempted in a sexual way, just with the opposite sex, but it’s a sin nonetheless. And I still go to church. The issue is, do I consider it to be a sin and something that I wrestle with and I try to gain victory over or power over it so that it doesn’t gain power over me. So, I think that people who sin and everybody does. Everyone should go to church and everyone should fight that battle. It’s when you quite fighting and you demand that I accept a sin as being a non-sin, that’s where I draw the line. So, everyone is welcome. Homosexuals are welcome in my home and in this studio that we’re sitting in right here. There’s no issue, even if they’re practicing I still love them. But, I may not agree with them, so I definitely think that they should go to church, but the issue again is, are they wrestling to overcome it or are they given in and demand that I accept the sin as being legitimate.

Khiree Stewart: Going back to what I said about the Grammys, do you see this as a generational thing? Because like I said , ten years ago, maybe even twenty, thirty years ago you wouldn’t have seen anything like this on the Grammys. Do you see this as a generational thing that a lot of younger people, that it’s been proven that a lot of younger people are more accepting than a lot of the older generation?

Brad Huddleson: It is definitely a generational issue, in my generation if someone came out of the closet usually violence was the result and I’m not saying that that’s right either, because it isn’t. But now it’s actually popular to be gay, transgender, the transgender issue is growing by leaps and bounds with the support of the schools. And so you have a lot of clubs now in school, just like we have Bible clubs, they also have LGBTQ clubs and it’s been a shift very rapidly towards transgenderism in particular and where the students will demand that even the teacher use the proper pronouns to identify them and so they’re demanding rights, it’s very militant and it’s happened very recently. I’m keenly aware of it and I have my finger on the pulse, but I’m finding it shocking and unbelievable myself.

Khiree Stewart: Alright, real quick. Earlier, this is just coming to me now, you said something about how homosexuals, how they force their agenda in policy. What do you mean when you say that?

Brad Huddleson: Well, they’re active in Washington. They’re active at the state level, they’re active at the local level for example, all over the country in localities they are forcing the agenda in this way. They are causing bathrooms to able used my either sex, transgender or gender neutral bathrooms and so you’re put into this awkward position where a female wants to go and have privacy, but the male has the right to go in and to use the bathroom. In states all across the country, legislation are being forced on us and I’m very uncomfortable if my wife wants to go to a bathroom and I would as her husband be very uncomfortable for a man to be able to go in right after her. So many of us think that, not even talking about the Bible here, just common sense that the bathrooms should be separated. But they are militant on that level where they want that to be forced and of course the same sex marriage that is in the news everyday this issue globally. And it was only until 1991 that this ever even made the news in any country that they would even consider it. And so that we’re more recent coming on board with this, but at the local level on up they’re trying to force these laws and to get into Washington and the local level to have these laws passed to make it legal.

Khiree Stewart: Anything else you’d like to say at the end, just referring to the Grammys last night or same sex marriage in general in the state of Virginia, anything else you’d like to say?

Brad Huddleson: I think that dialogue does needs to happen. We tend to fight with the homosexual community. Now I am not going to budge on my position. I believe it’s a sin, I believe it’s wrong, but I want to sit down and have dialogue and better understand if they feel like they’re born with it, to see where they’re actually coming from. Because in God’s eyes everyone of us are valuable in to God, valuable as human beings and I have nothing but love for people who sin because I too sin. I just want to be able to share my views as well without fear of being hauled into court because I differ with them. I want them to practice tolerance just like they demand that I practice tolerance and I do hope that laws that are pro-homosexual do not make it through our court system. I hope they fail but it’s not because I hate people, it’s because I want the country to come back to its Biblical morals so that God’s blessing will fall on our country, our state and our cities once again.



Brad HuddlestonBrad Huddleston is on the Virginia Christian Alliance Board of Advisors. Brad has degrees in Computer Science and Bible. He is an author, speaker, and Evangelist. He and his wife Beth travel the globe ministering in conferences, churches, schools, and retreats. Brad often appears on radio and television. His book can be ordered at www.bradhuddleston.com and www.darksideoftechnology.com, and he can be reached at brad@bradhuddleston.com.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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