Articles by Virginia Christian Alliance

The Coming Calm – By Ed Wood

2 Timothy {3:2-5} For men shall be lovers of their own  selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

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Did America Create Slavery?

Tim Kaine must either be completely ignorant about the history of slavery or maliciously intentional in his presentation of “facts.” America in no way created slavery—in fact, if we were to say anyone “created” slavery in America we must conclude that the indigenous people did so. By contrast, the United States, despite its well-known shortcomings, ought to receive credit for having done more than nearly any other nation in the history of the world to fight slavery both in the past and today.

God’s Awesome Control

Boy has yours truly been off in his assessment of America with regard to God’s power to control events!

At present, it seems it’s over for the nation in terms of ever returning to any semblance of that envisioned by its founding fathers. Those who are believers in Jesus Christ as mankind’s only hope are filled with worry and dark expectations for the future. This state of many Christians is somewhat of an oxymoron, or would that be a paradox, or even, possibly, a dichotomy?

At any rate, it smacks of being a contradiction in terms. We look to the Creator of all that is as our blessed hope (Titus 2:13) and yet we look at our future as full of extreme gloom. As the Apostle Peter might say, “My brethren, such things ought not be…”

Critical and Powerful Message to America from Jonathan Cahn: Listen

The message by Messianic Christian pastor Jonathan Cahn is one that seems written by the hand of God.
It offers perhaps a final admonition to all of America, but especially to Christian pastors and all true believers in Jesus Christ.
It is a most powerful warning to Anti-God forces in the nation and the world.
Please listen carefully.

Virginia Gov Northam: Legalize Marijuana

Gov. Northam called Virginia’s state legislators into a special session this week to address areas that need “critical support” during a time of social unrest and the COVID-19 crisis. When the average person hears the word “critical,” legalization of marijuana is probably not top of mind.

Even so, that’s exactly what several left-wing leaders are pushing as top priority. In an Aug. 11 letter, for instance, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney urged General Assembly leaders to “take immediate action” to “legalize marijuana” and establish a “tax system for recreational use.” Unfortunately, many people are genuinely confused by claims that regulating “recreational” marijuana will help, not harm, families.