Our Nation Under God

What Do We Own?

The next two articles concern the principles of charity and stewardship. I’d originally planned on presenting charity first, but with recent events I think it…

And Justice Rolls

We’ve looked at differences in rights, law, and how those determine who orders society. We’ll do a quick recap of the main points, then move…

… And Order

The first implication coming from the type of rights and law we choose is order. But who orders society? Is it the individual or the…

Law …

The last article discussed rights. This time it’s law itself. Next time we’ll look at their societal role. Few subjects are more relevant to us…


Last time we looked at who God is and how that knowledge relates to our purpose. We can derive two principles just from that idea….

Man’s Purpose

This article starts the new series mentioned last time. The plan is reviewing ten principles underlying Biblical based societies—like America. That plan may vary a…