
The End-Game: Hiding in Plain Sight – Pastor Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk

Jack Hibbs: You need to know that we’re living in the days that the Bible were saying chess piece of set up. I’m not saying we’re in the tribulation. I’m saying we’re seeing the indicators that’s coming in if that’s true, then how much sooner is the return of the Lord coming to snatch up his church up and away into his presence called the rapture.

Day 7: China Is A Technocracy

Thanks to early members of the Trilateral Commission, China was brought out of its dark ages Communist dictatorship and onto the world stage. Furthermore, the…

Day 6: Technocracy’s Necessary Requirements

framers of Technocracy proceeded as if all of those nations would magically succumb to Technocracy’s scientific dictatorship, and they documented seven key requirements that must be met before the system could function properly.

UN Seeks to Delete ‘Human Rights’ from World Health Regime

That is just one of the major red flags. Another: a plan to impose a global health and vaccine ID passport for everyone on Earth. “This has to stop now,” said Roguski. This is all in tandem with the empowerment of the WHO and its boss, a “former” communist terrorist leader, to declare public health emergencies.

Day 5: The Fitting Of Technocracy And Transhumanism

Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population. Transhumanists and Technocrats represent a new type of radicalness that the world has never seen before.