Christian, Do Not Fear and Do Not Worry

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.

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Garry Ritter | Blog

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-20-22: Why Do You Worry?

If we’re saved by the blood of Jesus and are assured that our eternal destinies are secure, is there any reason for us as Christians to worry?  When we look at the world around us and see its spiraling descent toward the pit of hell, should we – or even more importantly – can we stop its downward progression?

First, we need to understand the extent of this dive into sin, corruption, and depravity that has overtaken everything. 

Then, I think we need to step back and examine our response in light of Bible Prophecy. 

Is there, or should there be, something we can do in a world gone mad?  And, is it really crazy, or is it actually adhering exactly to the template that God declared would happen in these latter days?  Based on the answers to these questions, we as Christ-followers should understand how we’re to react.

Let’s take a look at the many areas and issues in which those pushing back against the globalist narrative would have to succeed to rescue this planet.  Is this something that’s even realistic, or are people tilting at windmills?



If we’re saved by the blood of Jesus and are assured that our eternal destinies are secure, is there any reason for us as Christians to worry?  When we look at the world around us and see its spiraling descent toward the pit of hell, should we – or even more importantly – can we stop its downward progression?

First, we need to understand the extent of this dive into sin, corruption, and depravity that has overtaken everything.  Then, I think we need to step back and examine our response in light of Bible Prophecy.  Is there, or should there be, something we can do in a world gone mad?  And, is it really crazy, or is it actually adhering exactly to the template that God declared would happen in these latter days?  Based on the answers to these questions, we as Christ-followers should understand how we’re to react.

Let’s take a look at the many areas  and issues in which those pushing back against the globalist narrative would have to succeed to rescue this planet.  Is this something that’s even realistic, or are people tilting at windmills?

Let’s pray, read a Scripture and consider all this.


John 9:4 (NIV)

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.

Why Do You Worry?

    • I am under the opinion, which I believe is thoroughly backed up by Scripture, that our efforts to redeem this world are misdirected
    • For anyone paying attention, all the signs of the end of the age are upon us
    • Their convergence is itself a sign
    • This Prophecy Update should be a review for many of us, but it’ll hopefully be a helpful reminder that because of what’s happening in the world, we who love and trust Jesus won’t be here much longer to deal with these awful things
    • Before chronicling all that is causing the world great fear and anxiety, I would be remiss if I didn’t comment once again on those who disparage the doctrine of the pre-Tribulation Rapture which is soon to occur
    • There is a concerted effort in Christendom to deny the doctrine of imminence which declares that Jesus could come at any time AND that He will come prior to the 7-year Tribulation
    • Many who consider themselves Christians have a HUGE problem with the idea that Jesus will rescue His true church before the Tribulation begins
    • I’ve dealt with this issue many times, and it continues to astound me that these presumed Christians almost seem like they WANT to go into this Day of the Lord where God rains down His wrath upon the unbelieving world
    • Somehow these people don’t get it that the Tribulation period is to punish UNBELIEVERS as a time of judgment upon them
    • The ironic thing is that folks like this walk right into what I describe as a failing on their part
    • The best example is from last week’s Awaken Bible Prophecy Update titled They Don’t Understand
    • In that video I explained three primary issues of key importance that pre-Trib Rapture deniers don’t seem to understand concerning why there MUST BE a pre-Trib Rapture
    • And then right on cue someone demonstrates my point
    • I’ve experienced similar pushback and objection previously and most people who do this have a tendency to spew Scripture as though that very fact explains their position, and anything else is an abomination before God
    • One such person did this last week in the comments to my Prophecy Update
    • He went on and on with so-called proof texts to “correct” me
    • He ended up throwing about 2800 words at me in around 6 pages of text considering 500 words is 1 typewritten page
    • Is this a little verbose and beyond the pale – or what?
    • I should have counted the numerous Scriptures he quoted to attempt to make his case, but I didn’t have the time
    • When I suggested he start a venue or platform of his own so that he can advocate for his position, he said:
  • “I am doing exactly what I have been told to do. . . I am to show what scriptures say, so more people can see what the bible truly says.”
  • It seems as if he’s been called to exercise the fruit of the Spirit known as an annoyance
  • Frankly, after one or two of his rants, I tuned them out and stopped reading
  • I don’t think many other people would have the patience to read all his disconnected writings either
  • So I’m not really sure how this is a calling of God…
  • Okay, now that I’ve gotten MY rant out of the way – let’s discuss the varied fear factors that are causing so much distress


Fear Factors

  • Unprecedented weather
    • It seems as if every week we receive reports of historic weather events
    • At the website in the Prayer Center, Cindy who puts that together each week – and BTW does a great job in searching the news to keep on top of these things – usually has a section that reports on these weather incidents
    • Here are several headlines from a week ago to illustrate how weather issues have ramped up:
      • Enormous US storm could produce widespread severe weather this coming week
      • The Texas drought is the worst in years,
      • Record-setting arctic blast hits Europe, stunning spring crops.
      • In Australia: Major flood warnings issued as Sydney records a month’s worth of rain in a day (the third major flooding event this year.
      • In Brazil: Record-breaking rain hits Rio de Janeiro, causing severe floods and landslides
    • It’s like this every week
    • Is it any wonder people are concerned all around the world?
    • The question so many must be asking is “What is going on?” and it’s the unknown that causes them great fear


  • Climate Change
      • Of course, this is related to the weather events
      • One of the truisms we’ve been told ad nauseum for years is that climate change is caused by man
      • People with any sense have pushed back and pointed at the fact that the sun is a primary factor
      • And let us not forget that God may be trying to get our attention
      • However, despite the truth of these two things, man probably IS responsible in many ways for climate change
      • God allows evil acts by men to accomplish His purposes
      • The weather array known as HAARP – High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program – has been shown to actually cause weather disruptions through its powerful microwave emissions
      • I highly suggest you watch the documentary called The Dimming produced by (link below)
      • Evil men have been manipulating the weather to cause fear so as to exert their control over the world by implementing climate change restrictions
  • We have to do with less or the world will self-destruct in 10 years!
  • We have to reduce CO2 levels or we’ll all die!
    • Of course, this flies in the face of the fact that green, growing plants require CO2 to live and our exhalation of CO2 is a natural part of our God-given breath
    • Another aspect of this is the seeding of the skies with many toxic materials
    • What we see emitting from planes are often not contrails, but chemtrails
    • It has been indisputably proven that these deliberate emissions contain aluminum and even graphene oxide which we end up breathing
    • They also settle onto the land from which crops are grown and increase these toxicities in food
    • More than that they also infiltrate water systems so that we drink these materials
    • Is there a climate emergency?
    • Absolutely!
    • However, wicked men are behind many aspects of it and are propagating it – but only to the extent that God allows
    • Regardless, climate change is a terrific fear-inducer in much of the world


  • Unprecedented Drought
    • About 2/3 of America is in severe drought conditions
    • It’s requiring water rationing, and that leads to conflict
    • Foolishly – yet deliberately – authorities in the west won’t divert needed water to farmers or ranchers
    • Instead they either run it off into the ocean or send it to make sure endangered species don’t die
    • The water tables in the west have been depleting for many years, even going back to the 1930s when dust bowl conditions predominated
    • The Dust Bowl was caused by the government advocating the farming and irrigation of areas in the west that should never have been cultivated
    • The grassy plains where the buffalo roamed were plowed under and set to crops
    • It exposed the land to conditions that should have been avoided
    • All that led to that horrible Dust Bowl era and which is the current state of affairs
    • If people can’t grow food because there isn’t enough water, that’s a major issue and cause for fear


  • Global Supply Chain Disruptions
    • These were a problem prior to the Russia-Ukraine War, but that has only exacerbated the disruptions
    • Let’s not forget the worker shortage that caused the build-up of container ships floating uselessly in port harbors
    • Why so few workers?
    • The COVID pandemic lockdowns stopped work
    • Then the government paid workers to stay at home
    • When the lockdowns eased, many workers decided they’d rather stay home and get paid much the same as for working
    • On top of this the COVID “vaccines” started disabling and killing people as planned
    • And more workers simply disappeared
    • Small businesses couldn’t keep going
    • Large businesses required injections causing more issues
    • If you’ve got a non-working economy – which is absolutely where we’re at – that’s a huge cause for concern among many people


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  • Threat of Nuclear War
      • The global elites love war and the media loves to hype it
      • Nothing sells news like fear
      • Also, nothing creates the climate for opportunity like a crisis
      • George Orwell in his book 1984 explained the ongoing edge-of-your seat process that governments implement in order to gain greater control over their populations
  • Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible.
      • As long as there is a perceived enemy, the government can gin up patriotic fervor in the midst of fear
      • War is also a great distraction
      • Here we’re all told how evil Russia and Putin are, whereas Ukraine and Zelenskyy are morally pure and members of the kumbaya choir
      • Look at Russia and Ukraine through the lens of how Orwell described it
      • It’s all a show despite how deadly it may be
      • While this is ongoing, more booster shots are administered and vaccine passport plans are forging ahead
      • While we have our eyes on Europe, digital IDs and digital currency will soon be mandatory because we’re not paying attention
      • It used to be that nuclear war was a boogeyman of the left
  • All nuclear weapons had to be eliminated in America!
    • While we did that, Russia grew its nuclear arsenal
    • Now when Putin supposedly threatens nuclear war, what can we do?
    • Rather than look at the political situation and negotiate from a reasonable perspective, we advocate assasination and send weapons to Ukraine to make the situation worse, all the while sanctioning Russia and mouthing empty threats
    • There will be Nuclear War at some point in the near term
    • However, from a Bible prophecy perspective, I seriously doubt it will happen until the 2nd Seal in Revelation is opened and the rider on the red horse of war emerges
    • Most people don’t see it this way, however, so the war is an imminent threat
    • Moreso – they fear death since this world is all they know


  • Famine
    • All these factors already discussed lead to famine
    • Store shelves are already empty in many places in America and around the world
    • The aforementioned war contributes in at least two major ways:
      • Russia is a huge provider of fertilizer
        • Guess what isn’t being shipped around the world because of sanctions?
      • Russia and Ukraine are considered the world’s breadbasket because of the amount of grain they normally grow
        • Guess what activity is being disrupted because of the war that will lead to significant grain shortages?
    • Just add these factors into the mix with everything else
    • It won’t be long until America and the world experience famine conditions
    • Again, the worst part of this will come in the opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation with the rider on the black horse
    • But I don’t doubt that we will see and experience great shortages well before the Lamb opens the Seals
    • If people can’t feed their families, what are they to do?


  • Depopulation Agenda
    • We mentioned this in passing before
    • There is a deliberate effort on the part of globalists to reduce the world population
    • This is in accordance with the commandments of the Georgia Guidestones
    • The intent is to reduce global population to about 500M people
    • That means a WHOLE LOT of people have to be eliminated – something to the tune of 90-95% of all people in the world have to disappear
    • This effort has begun in earnest through the COVID scam and the mRNA gene-altering experimental injections known as vaccines
    • The more we learn about all this, the more diabolical it becomes
    • I hope to address this in a subsequent blog post and/or Prophecy Update, but the latest in this arena is the revelation by Dr. Bryan Ardis that snake venom is the secret to the sauce – so to speak
    • I find the arguments compelling
    • Of course, the fact-checking, denial machine is already operating at warp speed
    • That should tell us something
    • Unfortunately, this knowledge – although extremely important and useful – will also cause more people to fear
    • Let’s see: if you get so-called COVID (which is made from snake venom and isn’t really a virus) and go to the hospital, you’ll likely die from their treatments of Remdesivir (which is made from snake venom) and being put on a ventilator
    • If you take the shots (which are made from snake venom), you’ll likely die or be adversely affected
    • If you don’t take the shots, and if you’re around those who have, you’ll probably be the recipient of snake venom toxins in Spike proteins that will shed or transmit to you from the vaccinated person
    • From that you have a good potential of developing what may be called Long COVID simply from the toxic effects of transmitted snake venom
    • If none of this gets you, it may be that snake venom will be added to your municipal water supply when the globalists want to target your community as Dr. Ardis has suggested, and you’ll experience some level of any of these effects just because Satan and his minions – human and demonic – hate you
    • Yes, there is a significant reason in all these things for people to absolutely freak out


  • Unparalleled Depravity
      • Oh, we’re not done yet
      • Genesis 6 and the days of Noah were just a warm-up
      • From the depravity unleashed in the world at that time through the rebellious sons of God, their Nephilim offspring, and mankind that went right along with the evil, God acted against all beings that had sought to disobey Him and harm His creation
      • We are in the midst of a similar effort that will also result in God’s complete destruction of those who seek to displace Him
      • The depravity of those days of Noah included cannibalism, sexual perversion that was off the charts, and the creation of chimeric beings that were combinations of humans and beasts, plus beast and beast of different kinds
      • The abomination was so great and the contamination so pervasive that only one man and his family had pure human DNA
      • Everything else on the planet was totally corrupted and polluted
      • What we see with the gay and trans agendas are nothing yet
      • Little children being indoctrinated into depraved sexual fantasies is only the beginning
      • Pedophilia is already being mainstreamed
      • Soon bestiality will be a major push
  • Of course we should allow intercourse with animals!
  • People have to release their sexual desires and frustration somehow!
    • Seriously – this will happen sooner than you think
    • For right-minded people, this phantasmagorian, horrific dystopia is a freight train coming at us through a dark tunnel from which there is seemingly no escape


  • Increasing Lawlessness
    • Lawlessness and depravity go hand-in-hand
    • Sin takes people into dark places
    • Satan and his demonic horde then help the process along
    • Sexual immorality is a major biproduct
    • So are greed, lust, and covetousness
    • Society has amplified these human sin characteristics and – in a sense – worships them
    • Society itself is then demonized as the culprit and reason for what these sins cause, rather than the root cause, which is sin that’s inherent in each one of us
    • Since the individual isn’t at fault, when he commits crimes that act out these sins, he is excused because society made him do them
    • When Rudy Guiliani was Mayor of New York City from 1994-2001 he instituted a broken windows campaign to address crime
    • The concept was that one broken window led to more
    • If kids running around the streets saw a broken window, odds were high that they’d take stones and break another
    • If you fix the broken windows, the temptation to cause more damage is lessened
    • Guliani brought this concept to other crimes
    • He actually prosecuted those who committed smaller crimes so that they wouldn’t expand into bigger ones
    • Guiliani actually brought law and order to New York City
    • During his tenure crime was at much lower levels than before or since
    • That approach has been decimated everywhere around the country by George Soros-financed city officials in positions of being able to address crime
    • Soros money has gone toward electing people who will turn a blind eye to crime and its effects
    • The thugs and culprits have been exalted and excused while the victims are run over roughshod
    • This has been shown in numerous cities where organized rings of thieves simply smash and grab in stores with no consequences
    • It has also resulted in terrible muggings in broad daylight of innocent people going about their daily business
    • The lust to harm others has increased dramatically and there is no end in sight
    • In a Californai community, the USPS has halted mail service delivery because so many of its postal carriers were being assaulted
    • If you always have to watch your back wherever you go, and peace and tranquility are impossible, you know that society has a serious lawlessness issue causing many people great concern


  • Transhumanist Agenda
      • I’ve spoken and written directly on this, and in passing, quite often lately
      • It is directly related to the last days, the days of Noah, and the rise of the Antichrist
      • Transhumanism has two distinct strains
        • One seeks to enhance man’s flesh with computer technology
        • The other desires to change man’s very DNA
      • Ultimately, I believe these will continue merging as they have been doing in the form of biotech which has been unleashed through COVID and its so-called vaccines
      • Those who advocate for Artificial Intelligence and silicon-based enhancements are working toward achieving what is known as the Singularity
      • This is the point of merger where man and machine become one, and a new species of man goes forward from there
      • Those who are working at the genetic level with DNA enhancement seek to modify man’s kind as made in the image of God
  • The bodies we have aren’t good enough in their estimation
  • They’re limited, they wear out, and they die
  • To get beyond our human limitations, why not enhance us to cause us to be better, stronger, smarter?
    • Through gene splicing called CRISPR, animal DNA can be merged with that of man’s
    • Chimeric enhancement can include many, many possibilities
    • Just a few are: giving man the eyesight of an eagle, the hearing of a deer, the speed of a cheetah, and the strength of a gorilla
    • Governments around the world have been working on super-soldier projects with black funding for years
    • Nothing is off the table with the pagan, God-hating scientists developing improved mankind
    • Part of this is to extend man’s life to make him immortal
    • If this sounds like man playing God, that’s exactly what it is
    • As these laboratory and real-world experiments continue, we’re seeing the merger of AI/nanotechnology with genetic manipulation right in front of us
    • The COVID mRNA shots contain graphene oxide
    • I’ve shown in previous Prophecy Updates the photos of a self-assembling and self-replicating process that goes on in the blood of injected individuals
    • It appears as if computer circuit boards are creating themselves throughout the bloodstream of many people
    • The end game of this with those who don’t die, rather live and are changed, begs the question – What are they changed into and where does it go from there?
    • We know that 5G has properties that enables it to communicate with people whose bodies have grown this electronic circuitry
    • This is creating a fascinating horror show developing all around us
    • To add to the intrigue is the theory that Antichrist will be someone who has been modified in some way through these technologies
    • He will be prepared also to receive a spiritual entity that can use all this biotech within his body to demand obeisance from rulers and populaces and even to come back from the dead
    • If you see all this that’s occurring and wonder at the impossibility of it being overcome, that’s enough to raise the hackles on the back of your neck


  • There are so many more issues that should be and are of great concern to people
    • Without making this video too long, a few more fear-inducing items include:
      • Illegal Immigration leading to the Destruction of America’s Character
      • The Advent of Digital Currency That Will Place Everyone Under the Whim and Control of the Government
      • The Absolute Lawlessness of Our Federal Government That No Longer Adheres to Constitutional Principles
      • I’m sure you can add to this list


  • Christian Apostasy
    • The final thing I want to mention is Christian Apostasy
    • What makes all these things worse is that the source of Godly restraint in the world is largely absent
    • This should actually concern everyone the most
    • It is the Holy Spirit and Him alone who is keeping back the tide of evil represented in all these convergence issues I’ve mentioned today
    • The falling away of the true church into apostasy of all kinds – aside from the milestone indicator of Israel – is the most deadly of all
    • We know that when the Restrainer is fully removed, that is the point that literally all hell breaks loose on this planet
    • We easily see that He has loosened His hand and is only holding lawlessness back by a hair
    • When God the Holy Spirit determines the time is right, all aspects of the globalist evil will rise and be in-your-face present – much more so than today
    • Anyone who doesn’t know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will then be living in a totally alien world, filled with supernatural signs and wonders that will destroy almost all of humanity as well as the planet itself
    • Yes, Christian Apostasy is ultimately the #1 sign that time is up for this world and those who reject the Lord Jesus as King and Messiah because it signals the end of the Church Age
    • For those who cling to the deception that there will be a Great Awakening prior to the Tribulation, when I examine Bible prophecy, I see that this is a useless hope because nothing in Scripture indicates such a move of God
    • When He will move and act mightily in bringing people to Himself is during the Tribulation itself
    • We know this because of the scenes we see in Revelation of martyred believers standing in heaven before the throne of God
    • During that awful 7 years is when people will truly be at wit’s end, broken, and crying out for deliverance
    • There’s a little bit of that now, but nothing on the scale as it will be when the plagues of God are unleashed at the same time that Satan is attempting to displace God
    • It’s the ugliness and horror of that time which will cause many to fall on their faces before the One and only Holy God


  • Conclusion
    • Given the times, the question for the day is: What else would you expect before the end of the world as we know it?
    • Wouldn’t all the conditions around us be so amplified and exaggerated as to induce the greatest fear the world has ever known?
    • We’re certainly well on our way to that heightened state
    • The Bible explicitly warns us that such times would come
    • Here we are
    • Given that, what in the world are so many Christians doing trying to improve the world?
    • There’s a law of physics known as the Second law of Thermodynamics
    • It states that everything runs down and deteriorates
    • If you’ve got an old car, you can keep replacing parts and keep it running for a time, but it’s still old and dying
    • For those of us who aren’t attempting to become Humans 2.0 through the efforts of the transhumanist technologies, our bodies are all wasting away and dying
    • Nothing can stop that
    • The fact is that this world is on its last legs
    • Why should Christians try to prop it up at this point?
    • Are we even supposed to?
    • Wouldn’t a better strategy be to forsake the world and yearn for heaven?
    • Shouldn’t each of us – rather than trying to fix school boards and corrupt elections – be doing all within our power to bring people to Christ?
    • Isn’t that a better use of our time and energy at this stage of the game?
    • Because – frankly – little time remains
    • The anti-pre-Trib Rapture people who deny this sound doctrine and try to convince people that we must go through the the day of the Lord’s judgment on this unbelieving world are simply wrong
    • Please review my previous Prophecy Update of They Don’t Understand to gain a clearer picture of this
    • The pre-Trib Rapture deniers can spout all the Scripture they want, but they don’t make a coherent argument
    • Let’s hear them reason and answer many of the points I bring up and see if they can convince you
    • My bet is that they won’t even attempt to use a logical rebuttal – because they can’t
  • So, the question is” Why Do You Worry?
    • If you belong to Jesus, none of these things I’ve discussed today should concern you
    • Yes, we’re experiencing the lengthy shadows of the Tribulation, and all these issues are casting them
    • But the true expression of these things won’t occur until after Jesus takes us home
    • Everything we’re seeing is foretold
    • Bible prophecy is 100% accurate
    • That being the case – like I said at the beginning – someone fighting against it is tilting at windmills
    • Just like Saul on the Road to Damascus who was kicking against the goads, those who resist the prophetic Word of God are going to get stuck by those sharpened ends meant to keep oxen in line
    • As children of God we have a duty and a task
    • It is to believe God and do His work while it’s still light
    • The darkness is closing in
    • All this I’ve mentioned today is part of that
    • But we who love Jesus have a joyful future
    • Why don’t we start acting like it and get ready for eternity?
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.