Home Depot’s website now states the company’s support for “Out and Equal Workplace Advocates,” a gay political activist organization heavily promoting legalization of gay marriage and gays in the military, and celebrating activities such as Transgender Remembrance Day.
AFA has repeatedly asked The Home Depot to remain neutral in the culture wars, but the company has continued to promote the homosexual agenda.
On March 29, AFA invited The Home Depot to meet with AFA to discuss our concerns. They did not respond.
NEW! To help promote the boycott, AFA has produced the AFA Pass Along Sheet. Please print copies of this sheet and share them with your neighbors, friends and co-workers. Encourage them to join the boycott of The Home Depot.
TAKE ACTION1. If you have not done so, sign the Boycott Pledge at BoycottTheHomeDepot.com.
2. Print copies of the AFA Pass Along Sheet for distribution.
3. Print the paper petition and distribute it at Sunday school and church.
4. Let The Home Depot know how much money they are losing. Each time you make a purchase at a competitor store, call The Home Depot at 1-800-466-3337 to let them know how much you spent with their competitor.