For an Errant Education

Godly relationships

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Editor’s Note: Modern day education is off the rails, omitting God and the ethics from the moral law.  There is no morality without Almighty God, as Psalm 119: 33-36 states: 

God. Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes; and I will keep it to the end.  Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.  Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!  (DOWNLOAD LINK FOR EXPOSITION: PSALM 119 33-36)


By Tabitha Korol


We saw  the changes coming. 

We heard all the historic revisionism about Israel and the boycott/divestment/sanctions of the only democratic state in the Middle East; the anti-Zionist textbooks and programs that took root in colleges and universities across the country; and the assault upon the vulnerable K-12 students. 

We learned that schools were discouraging little ones from having a “best friend,” that they would be isolated in front of a computer every day, with the adults’ role changing from teacher to facilitator, to increase learning frustration.

We know that Common Core brought them difficult math and uninspiring literature, the children learning less, knowing less, and with equalized grades, grasping that they are less sure of themselves.  Yes, they’re graduating, but they don’t seem to know enough to hold a decent job or qualify for a higher wage.  They know less about their own country, its founding, its history and mission, and more about Islam, resulting in less pride in their heritage and feeling more discontent.

  They’re learning that men, particularly white men, are worthless, that boys can be girls, that they can indulge in sexual activity at a young age and human babies are dispensable.  Has the educational establishment lost its mind and/or purposely ceded control to powers with severely evil intent?

National Education Association (NEA), the largest labor union of professionals with three million members in 14,000 communities across the country, held a 7,000-strong assembly in Houston. They represented faculty and support staff of public schools, colleges and universities, and retirees.  With an exemplar budget of more than $341 million for fiscal year 2012-2013, its official mission is “to advocate for educational professionals and to unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world.”  It has drifted off course. 

Originally conservative, it now lobbies and firmly supports with ample campaign contributions the Democrat party, changing the tenor of the promise of education to indoctrination at full throttle.  The assemblage was described as an anti-Israel fest.   

The program’s New Business Item #26 may be read in its entirety on the link.  The several supporting groups listed are notably anti-American, antisemitic, anti-Israel, and supportive of the Palestinian narrative.  They form part of the Red/Green Axis (Communist and agents of Islam), using propaganda designed to destroy America’s ideals, undermine Israel’s legitimacy, and to remove security, liberty and our Judeo-Christian values from our children by seeking to sever Christianity from its Jewish roots and graft it onto Islam.   

Parents Against Child Detentions (PACD) is an organization of Palestinians in the (Judea-Samaria) West Bank’s Jenin refugee camp, the site of the infamous April 2002 “Jenin Massacre.”  Jenin had been the launch site for numerous terrorist attacks against Israel, and Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) entered, only to walk into a booby-trapped ambush.  After a 12-day battle, with 46 to 55 Palestinian fighters and 23 IDF soldiers killed, the Palestinians surrendered and the IDF withdrew a week later. 

Yet, the official Palestinian report accused Israel of full-scale genocide, a massacre.  However, Doctors Without Borders revealed that 500 bodies were actually corpses that had been unearthed from a cemetery and booby-trapped (wired with explosives) by the Palestinians.  Islam relies on lies for their agenda; the “massacre” was a hoax to reap world sympathy.

Instead of revealing the truth that Jenin’s constant refugee status continues because their brethren are unwelcoming, PACD blames Israel to again engage world pity.  It also accuses Israel of incarcerating Palestinian children, insinuating that these are young, innocent children, but without providing the backstory.

To the West, children are our most precious possessions, but to Islam, they are the expendable warrior class, pressed into jihad, trained to kill with deadly weapons and become enthusiastic martyrs. They are practiced at throwing deadly missiles at passing Israeli vehicles; igniting and sending aloft incendiary kites and balloons that destroyed thousands of acres of Israel’s agricultural land, forestry and wildlife; and stabbing unarmed citizens on the streets. 

We would appreciate your donation.

Judaism teaches values and ethics, basic life skills, and provides their children with a strong education for a productive future.  Islam teaches the obligation of self-sacrifice for Hamas and Allah, for exploitation and death.  Their early immersion in warrior activities feeds their desire to engage in criminality and become suicide bombers, with their parents generously rewarded.

Hamoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual is an Israel-based, anti-Israel human rights organization, funded by Europe, the Ford Foundation, The Forward (NY newspaper), the Finnish government, a Ramallah-based NGO and other anti-Semitic foundations.  It seeks self-determination for a fictitious “Palestinian” people at the expense of self-determination for the indigenous people, Jews, on their own land for 3,000 years. 

They use terminology, such as “occupier” and “settlement,” to demonize Israel as the fraud, engaging in apartheid rhetoric to support anti-Israel BDS and cripple her economy.  Some of its activities include challenging delays at checkpoints, never acknowledging the need to prevent infiltration for border security, and against the IDF’s destruction of illegal housing built by Bedouins or the UN in defiance of building requirements.  Bedouins often refuse other viable land.  Again, the slander validates the Palestinians for world opinion.

Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIPalestine) is an independent Palestinian organization created to defend human rights of children in the Arab-made “humanitarian crisis,” falsely dubbed “Occupied Palestinian Territory.”  Again, jihad includes a war of language.  Occupied” implies illegality and aggression, but Israel occupies only historically and legally documented territory, and this territory became Israel’s when she won her defensive war of 1967 against five attacking Arab armies.  Every inch of Gaza is now under Palestinian control, containing not one Israeli soldier, not one Jewish settler. 

Yes, their children need to be protected  — from the Islamic culture in which they are objectified, used by their parents and Hamas as weapons to carry out violence. The children understand that their lives have little value and their futures hold little promise.

American Friends Service Committee is a religious Quaker society that alleges to work for nonviolence and justice, yet it supports the Islamic culture that encourages violence.  Ignoring all the peoples that have lost to Islam, the Friends desire land for Palestinians at the expense of Israel, which is just 1/6th of 1% of the Arab land mass.  Friends have worked with UNRWA schools, never changing the students’ educational message that includes biases and violence against Jews, resulting in the continued support of youthful Palestinian terrorists who are at the front lines, shooting, igniting volatile missiles to Israel, and carrying out stabbings and suicidal explosions among Israeli citizens.

Jews Against Anti-Muslim Racism (JAAMR), offers resources for “community education and organizing.”  Part of the Islamic psychological war strategy against the West is to go on the offensive with a defensive approach, challenging Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism to make their prey apologetic and obedient.  They instruct and use the word “terrorist” to include white supremacists and others who commit ideologically motivated acts of violence, thereby deflecting the focus from Muslims. 

A member of JAAMR’s advisory circle, blatantly antisemitic activist and jihada, Linda Sarsour, often speaks to the community, organizations and foundations, high schools and universities, synagogues and Hebrew schools, to curb free speech and whitewash Islamic crimes and stealth jihad.

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), a left-wing activist organization, claims to oppose anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim and anti-Arab bigotry, but Its members disrespect the international laws of Israel’s sovereignty by speaking of Israeli occupation on her own land.  Generously supported by Nazi collaborator George Soros, JVP stands with antisemitic representative Ilhan Omar, BDS and Trump resistance, and against Israel.   Very active on college campuses across the country, the group uses organizers for grassroots anti-Israel advocacy, and strong-arm tactics to censor pro-Israel speakers.  Their objective is to create a widespread Jewish anti-Zionist movement.

The final entry listed was the No Way to Treat a Child campaign, designed to continue the victimhood position of Islam, in this instance, to pressure relevant Israeli authorities to “end the detention and abuse of Palestinian children.”  This is blatant mendacity; it is not – neither has it ever been – Israeli policy to kidnap and incarcerate small children!  There are 203 minors in Israeli prisons, 80 percent over 16, none under 14, all guilty of having committed deadly jihad crimes.  While we understand childhood to be the time for developing building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, and successful parenting of the next generation, Islam’s belief system is diametrically opposed to our own. 

It is a shame-blame culture that creates stress, emphasizes victimhood and, in fact, weakens the brain’s development.  Females are subservient, the males disrespectful of all women, and their youth are made ready to do battle and sacrifice their lives for jihad.  Palestinian children are kept uneducated, exploited by their families as terrorist decoys, human shields, and participants in propaganda films for monetary gain.   Islam is no way to treat a child; it is the dehumanization of the individual.

Why have some Christian groups joined on the side of Islam?  We may first credit the strain of Christianity’s bitter split from Judaism, the ensuing framework for the negative perception of the Jew, and the charge of deicide by Bishop Melito of Sardis in the second century and into the time of the Crusades, when antisemitism became an integral part of European and Western culture.  

It may be the desire for supersessionism, or replacement theology, which asserts that the New Covenant has superseded the Mosaic covenant.

There are myriad speculations for why such Jews become virulent and join the antisemites to disparage and harm other Jews, but there are no definitive answers.  I believe them to be collateral damage from the many centuries of persecution, and the totality of stories of cruelty and exile in an unwelcoming world.  These “Jews” have abandoned Judaism and are eager to become invisible and unrecognizable as they join their foes in a future globalist world. 

There is a curious parallel with Chancellor Angela Merkel, who apparently seeks to erase Germany and its dark, evil past by receiving hordes of migrants of another culture, but also to annihilate and completely change her country, hoping to make Germany invisible and indistinguishable within the burgeoning global community.

Of the Red and Green factions, there is bound to be a battle for sole domination of the rest of us, and there’s no telling what the globalists will be – a choice between poisons – but neither bodes well.


Tabitha Korol

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Tabitha Korol
Author of “Confronting the Deception,” Tabitha Korol began her political career after 9/11, with letters to the editor and essays, developing a readership and earning two writing awards along the way. Her work appears on, Christian Action Network, Conservative News and Views, Dr. Rich Swier, iPatriot, Liberty News & Views,; Published Reporter, Renew America, Ted Belman, The Noisy Room, Trevor Loudon’s New Zeal, Virginia Christian Alliance, WebCommentary, and others.  Korol revised David Silberman’s book of Holocaust survivors’ accounts, “And You Saw That” for publication, and edited David Pristash’s book, “Essay on Moral Philosophy in Western Civilization.” She also proofreads/edits a monthly city magazine.
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