mRNA inventor stands with Abp. Viganò’s call for alliance against ‘fundamentally evil’ COVID tyranny

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‘It is impossible to make sense out of what is transpiring in the world right now just as an explanation of public health and in vaccine policy or antiviral policy, and I have become convinced that we’re in a situation in which we’re all having our rights eroded and that there is a larger force beyond this.’

Fri Dec 3, 2021 – 2:37 pm EST

(LifeSiteNews) — Speaking on November 27 with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Robert Malone, the original inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology 40 years ago, praised the recent call by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to build an anti-globalist alliance. Speaking about this appeal, Dr. Malone said, “I think he nailed it right on the head. I think he called it correctly. And I think it showed great bravery and foresight.”

Abp.  Viganò statement earlier calling out the global coup d’état to form an international anti-globalist force to combat this fundamental evil that is tyrannically propelling the peoples of the world towards one world government and total loss of individual civil liberties: 




Archbishop Viganò had proposed on November 18 to “free humanity from a totalitarian regime that brings together in itself the horrors of the worst dictatorships of all time,” and he challenged “rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of good will, inviting them to unite in an alliance that launches an anti-globalist manifesto, refuting point by point the errors and deviations of the dystopia of the New World Order and proposing concrete alternatives for a political program inspired by the common good, the moral principles of Christianity, traditional values, the protection of life and the natural family, the protection of business and work, the promotion of education and research, and respect for creation.”

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LifeSiteNews sat down with Dr. Malone for an interview at his home and horse farm in Virginia. The interview was conducted as a joint venture for LifeSiteNews and the Austrian Catholic newspaper Der Dreizehnte. In the interview, Dr. Malone showed himself a strong opponent to the currently debated and planned vaccine mandates, lockdown policies, and mask mandates, all of which are, according to his study and research, ineffective and potentially harmful to human health.

In light of the lockdown policies that are strongly impeding the human liberty of movement, of travel, and of social gatherings as a whole, LifeSiteNews asked Dr. Malone whether he could explain the recent statements he made on Steve Bannon’s War Room show about the danger of “global totalitarianism,” as it is being played out right now in countries such as Austria and Australia.

The vaccine expert compared the lockdowns with the “camel’s nose” metaphor: “Once the camel’s nose gets in the tent, pretty soon the whole camel is in the tent,” Dr. Malone said.

“We have this tendency in western democracies — frankly, I think Great Britain is particularly susceptible — to this idea that we’re doing it for the common good that we can do social engineering, we can have these interventions.”

While these democracies claim that these measures are “limited, just for one thing,” we see “this incrementalism” taking place, Dr. Malone continued. As an example of this phenomenon, he referred to Great Britain’s Trusted News Initiative. Originally aimed at “resisting incursion into our political system from offshore political interests,” it has now been “weaponized against vaccine dissent. Really, it’s what it comes down to: It’s dissent about interpretation of facts and information.”

Dr. Malone expounded on his thoughts:

“And now … we’re going to do the same thing with climate change. And who knows what the next social engineering objective is going to be? It just seems to be this chronic erosion of civil rights and liberties in the logic that countries and governments [use to argue] that it’s OK to do social engineering through these various interventions. And I think that that is really worrisome.”

It is in this context that LifeSite asked Dr. Malone to comment on the fact that he recently retweeted the video statement of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò calling for an “anti-globalist alliance.”


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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LifeSiteNews is a non-profit Internet news service dedicated to issues of life, family, and many related issues. It was launched in September 1997 to especially provide an alternative to the mainstream news that was either ignoring or providing highly slanted reporting on these issues and on the activities and statements of pro-life, pro-family organizations in the world. LifeSiteNews Daily News reports and information pages are used by numerous organizations and publications, educators, professionals and political, religious and life and family organization leaders and grassroots people across North America and internationally. Daily News reports are widely circulated reports on important developments in the United States, Canada and around the world. Their purpose is to provide balance and more accurate coverage on the issues we focus on than is usually given by other media. LifeSite news reports are available by free daily email subscription and on