Before today’s news Virginia Christian Alliance wishes everyone a wonderful Christmas and the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior and here is Pastor Jeffress’ daily devotion with the link to more, plus here is his special Christmas message on this LINK:
Isaiah 9:6 says that the coming Messiah would be called the “Eternal Father.” How could the Son of God also be the Eternal Father? That is a mystery that is far beyond my pay grade, to understand how God can be a son and a father at the same time. But what we do know is this: Jesus is equal to God.
The phrase “Eternal Father” is one of relationship. When we trust in Christ to be our Savior, when that barrier of sin is forever broken down between God and us, it changes our relationship with God. No longer are we enemies of God, the Bible says, but we become friends of God. No longer are we slaves of God, but we are sons and daughters of God with the same rights as Jesus Christ Himself. And because of that, we can call upon God not as some distant deity, but we can call on Him as our Abba, Father, our Daddy, our Papa. The phrase “Eternal Father” denotes the relationship that we have with God and the love He has for us–a love that is eternal and is as steadfast as God Himself. (continue to today’s devotion)
The above two paragraphs are excerpts from Pathway to Victory’s Devotion Page
News 12-24-2020 You Discern: The Run-up to January 6th and Trump’s Second Term?

Donald Trump speaking to supporters at an immigration policy speech at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore
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