October 4th Generation NEXT Will Shine! #BringYourBible To School Day

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(Forward This Letter To A Student You Know)

Dear Generation NEXT,

Your moment to shine, October 4th Bring Your Bible To School Day, is just a few days away. This is your time in history! You have been chosen by Jesus just as He chose disciples 2000 years ago. Joel 2:28 tells us that in the last days, God will pour His Spirit out on all flesh, and sons and daughters will prophesy. That’s YOU, Generation NEXT.
Go figure why Satan devised abortion in hopes of killing you off before you were ever born. Then after you made it to earth, he sent drugs and pre-marital sex to take your soul to hell. You have been ordained for this hour to be God’s messengers to a dark world.

October 4th is your chance to draw a line in the sand and set a new standard for young people. Every student you meet during a school day will either spend eternity in hell or heaven. You have the opportunity by participating in Bring Your Bible To School Day to plant seeds of eternal life in your fellow classmates.

We would appreciate your donation.

Click to hear about Ethan’s experience in taking his bible to school on a Bring Your Bible To School Day.

Now, it’s your turn. Here’s how easy it is.

Click HERE for your “business cards” to pass out on October 4th. Print out sheets of these scriptures, cut them into cards and place them in your Bible. As you go about your day, pass them out to classmates. You can be a light in each life.

Visit www.bringyourbible.org for more information.
REMEMBER: The official hashtag is #BringYourBible

Students can follow “Bring Your Bible to School Day” on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

God Speed you on your assignment,
Linda Wall and the Staff at Virginia Christian Alliance

PS. Click here if you missed last week’s article on Bring Your Bible To School Day.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Linda Wall
Linda Wall For almost forty years Linda has been doing missionary work in Virginia. Her assignments have taken her down many political avenues: the Virginia General Assembly, political campaigns, lobbyist, and candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. Linda was delivered from homosexuality by the power of Jesus Christ over thirty-five years ago. She is presently calling for The Church to stand for righteousness and against sexual perversion in this hour. To be the light and salt Christ commanded us to be.
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