Search Results for rapture

Christmas Prophecies

There are 300 general prophecies and 109 specific prophecies about the First Coming of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ fulfilled them all, exactly, and in detail. Matter of fact, there’s 19 specific of them right here. 

The Spirit of Antichrist Moves Among Us

The spirit of Antichrist is on a rampage, even in subdued ways among the Church, by refusing to address the hatred coming against modern Israel. It does, indeed, tell us where we are on God’s prophetic timeline. 

Gates of Hell Prophecy

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)

Prophetically Appointed Day and Hour

China the “king of the kings of the East.” scheduled to gather all others within its Oriental orbit for the movement to the Euphrates—the apparent barrier separating the Oriental and Occidental worlds.

Tribulation Temple Clock Ticking…

The Third Temple, the subject of this commentary, is one of the prophetic signs illuminated through the prophetic Word of God. God’s prophets—of whom Jesus, the Son of God, the Second Person of the Godhead, is greatest—foretells things to come with unerring clarity.

Dealing with the Devil

All evil we see accumulating, with Antichrist’s foreshadow now darkening the immediate geopolitical horizon, means the Lord is about to Intervene with promised judgment and wrath. Jesus told of the exact times in which we now live in His “days of Noah, days of Lot” prophecies recorded in Luke 17:26–30.

Second-Greatest Prophetic Signal

a case can be made that this worldwide movement to inflict Satan’s murderous intentions upon the most helpless among humankind–the children—constitutes the second greatest signal of how near is the Tribulation and God’s Wrath.

Love Your Enemies?

This incessant raging against our sense of truth–of what is biblically righteous—evokes human anger, and we are instructed to love our enemies…