Search Results for rapture

Satan’s Prepping Continues

The devil observably has his collars and chain around the necks of the dogs of government, military, economy, science, entertainment, and especially religionists.

End Times Signs of Nature

go to Matthew 24 and you learn that there were ten particular signs that Jesus labeled. Of course, false messiahs, and He labels that three times. There would be earthquakes, famines, pestilence, there’d be wars and rumors of wars. There would also be signs in the sky. There’d be the category of social upheaval, both social and economic. There would also be persecution of Christians.

The SIGNIFICANCE of the RED HEIFERS | Guest: Mondo Gonzales

Prophetic circles are abuzz about the significance of the red heifer mentioned in Numbers 19. The excitement centers on the fact that five solid red heifers were bred in America and flown to Israel in late 2022. They will be examined when they are two years and a day old. If one of them is found to be suitable, it would be sacrificed.

The Real Planet Polluters

Climate change—formerly global warming—is almost certainly the nucleus around which the Revelation chapter 17 harlot religious system is being formed. Mother Earth worship seems to be the system the globalist would-be world rulers want us to embrace as quickly as possible.

The End-Game: Hiding in Plain Sight – Pastor Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk

Jack Hibbs: You need to know that we’re living in the days that the Bible were saying chess piece of set up. I’m not saying we’re in the tribulation. I’m saying we’re seeing the indicators that’s coming in if that’s true, then how much sooner is the return of the Lord coming to snatch up his church up and away into his presence called the rapture.