
An Urgent Call to a Holy Uprising

A missionary with the China Inland Mission wrote to Betty’s parents: “A life which had the longest span of years might not have been able to accomplish one-hundredth of the work for Christ which they have done in a day.” That is the power of martyrdom!

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Trans Indoctrination of Our Children

It was late October when AFA released In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality, our original, feature-length documentary from American Family Studios. Over these few weeks since its release, we are hearing from thousands who are finding the hope of the gospel presented in In His Image. More than 110,000 have registered to watch the movie with over 334,000 plays and 13,000 have financially partnered with AFA and will receive the 2-Disc DVD set, now being shipped over all 50 states and even to some in countries outside of the U.S. Lives are being transformed, and families who are desperate for truth are finding real hope.

The New Jihad, Part III

As mentioned last time, oneness is not new but simply repackaged pagan religion. A brief recap. Ancient state religion societies believed creation always existed. Society…

Lawless! The Rise of Anti-Christ and Totalitarianism – Covid, Masks and Violence

It comes as no surprise that, as we move ever deeper into the last of the last days, a foreshadow of the coming man of lawlessness can be seen in the latest doings of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

He has commanded that all worship services be severely limited in attendance, and that other draconian restrictions be put into place, ostensibly because of the supposed resurgence in the number of cases of COVID-19. I say “supposed” because there is growing evidence that the numbers are greatly overestimated and that lockdowns, like masks, do little to slow the coronavirus spread. And, experts say, the increases in case numbers are highly inaccurate.

Prayer Wars II

Millions, I’m convinced, are even at this late hour praying this prayer to the best of our ability. I believe movements and revelations of corruption within the political processes of late reflect directly the Lord’s attentiveness to the genuine prayers of His spiritually attuned prayer warriors.

If America is again—like in the 2016 presidential election—to be so blessed by a positive answer to those prayers by Heaven’s throne room, I believe it will mean that the battle as described in Ephesians chapter 6 will, after the election, intensify even more than if God’s answer is otherwise. And it will, in that case, be this nation’s final dispensation of liberty, if there is not a turning back to God in a major way.

The war of the ages as this Church Age dispensation moves into its final stages will be fought most effectively by God’s people in the prayer closets of America. Let’s be sure to put on the whole armor before engaging in the battles we face.

Crime and Punishment

What a week it’s been. And it’s not over by a long shot. You might think this article is about what should happen after its…

The Real Reason Regressives Are Pretending Biden Won

Here is just a tiny sampling of the massive voting irregularities and fraud that were discovered both before and after Joe Biden and Kalamity Harris declared victory through their media lackeys, in clear defiance of the U.S. Constitution and 243-years of American tradition, including such as on Election night at approximately 4 a.m., 138,000 ballots were “instantaneously” counted in Wisconsin and, magically, every single ballot was for Joe Biden and in Virginia, Trump held roughly a 300,000-vote lead, but then––again, magically––a huge trove of approximately 400,000 votes came in for Joe Biden––but not one for Donald Trump. “Amazing, writes blogger Fred Miller, “how one can suddenly discover huge batches of votes 100% for Biden, 0% for Trump, when and wherever one chances to need them.”