natural rights

Just Say “No”

Return of the Idiocracy laid out the case for the lies and deceit surrounding the China virus, and some steps we can take as individuals…

God’s Ambassadors

I think we have some difficult times ahead; the economy, inflation, supply chain disruptions, more mask and shot mandates, and likely shutdowns all loom in…


Our society doesn’t want to call this word to mind, let alone discuss it today. Why? We hear endless talk about rights, but almost nothing…

Welcome to the Idiocracy

If only this were true. But government run by idiots really doesn’t know what it’s doing. These folks actions appear determined. I’m taking a break…


Last time we looked at who God is and how that knowledge relates to our purpose. We can derive two principles just from that idea….

Return to Rome?

Prior articles discussed ideas underlying constructs like critical theory, oneness, the great reset, BLM, being woke, and elitism. These all come from the same root—a…