
Future Prophecies Revealed | Tom Hughes and Bill Salus

There are some Bible Prophecies You may actually see! For the last 10 years Bible prophecy experts, Bill Salus and Pastor Tom Hughes have opened God’s Word and discovered a series of little-known future prophecies that have escaped the notice of most Christians.

Doesn’t everyone want to know what’s going to happen in the future?

We Should Be Worried | Prophecy Update with Tom Hughes

chief architects of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores met during a session called “Global ESG for Global Resilience,” and have clearly decided to double down on their objective for a new global economic order that transcends national borders and replaces free-market capitalism.

The Next Crisis Awaits – Dr. Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley

Jan Markell welcomes Dr. Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley to examine the coming great global Reset. They conclude the Reset is the Tribulation and we are seeing a run-up to that today. The global elite are awaiting the next global crisis to further implement their one-world plans.