Click Image to visit Open VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. The default data reflects all VAERS data including the “nondomestic” reports
I hope one of the lasting legacies of the COVID pandemic is mistrust of government.
Here’s why: government officials and agencies showed themselves to be a bunch of quacks and liars during the pandemic, and they’re still lying today, recent reports show.
Anthony Fauci told us to wear a mask. He even told us to wear two masks. But in a deposition last week, he could not name a single study showing masks work. And now we find out the CDC’s mask guidance for school children was driven by political polling results, not science.
The CDC knew COVID vaccines were associated with heart problems, but did not include heart problems in its list of checkboxes on its v-safe survey phone app. Survey respondents had to write heart problems into the free-text field on the survey and the CDC fought disclosure of those answers in court.
Virtually 100 Percent of mRNA COVID Vaccine Recipients Suffer some Degree of Heart Injury.
We now know from other sources virtually 100 percent of mRNA COVID vaccine recipients suffer some degree of heart injury.
Also, the CDC covered up other data showing 18 million people ended up in the hospital after getting their first COVID shot.
I’ve been trying to get more information about why the government didn’t pull the COVID vaccines from the market after they were linked to thousands of deaths and a million other problems, like it pulled the swine flu vaccine in 1976 after that vaccine was linked to only 25 deaths. My case is in federal court, but the government filed a motion to dismiss and the judge has yet to rule.
There’s more.
The FDA put out statements prohibiting the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19, even though aggregating all studies shows ivermectin cuts mortality in half. Now the FDA claims it was just giving a recommendation, not putting out a mandate. Three doctors aren’t buying it and have sued the FDA for interfering with their doctor-patient relationships. The government didn’t have the evidence when it was disparaging ivermectin, but that didn’t stop it from pushing bivalent boosters and Pfizer’s Paxlovid treatment without testing the boosters on humans or testing Paxlovid on vaccinated individuals.
Also regarding vaccines, there have been reports along the way their efficacy wanes and even turns negative after a short period of time. Finally, we have the stunning admission – from the Washington Post, nonetheless – that “a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.” Simply put, more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people have died from COVID. The vaccinated are also more prone to repeat bouts of COVID. That whole thing where the government and the media vilified and ostracized the unvaccinated turned out to be completely unjustified. Where are the apologies?
The media campaign to push the vaccines, a campaign that was bought and paid for by the government, was completely unjustified, too. The campaign also enlisted entertainers, celebrities, and late-night TV hosts. The government spent a billion dollars to have hundreds of media outlets spread the government’s phony narratives on COVID, including the phony narrative the vaccines are safe and effective. So the media are a bunch of liars, too. They’ll shill for anything. At least now we know what their price is.
It’s time government officials learn they don’t get to lord over us. They get only the respect and trust they earn. They burned it all up in the pandemic. Right now, they have zero credibility and will have to dig themselves out of a very deep hole.