Undermining Marriage? All in a Gays’ Work


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For the homosexuals in OutServe, the basic goal is OutCry. Since the overthrow of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the organization of “actively serving LGBT personnel” has planted 42 chapters on military bases–all with the common goal of tearing down the Defense Department’s (and by extension, society’s) marriage policies from within. “We’re about to become the largest [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender employee resource group] in the world,” the group’s co-director told the Washington Times.

Outcry_over_Out_ServeIn the last six months, Lt. Josh Seefried says the association’s membership has more than doubled, as 4,200 homosexual soldiers, sailors, and airmen join the agenda to radicalize our military with more sexual distractions. So far, their demands include everything from allowing cross-dressers and transsexuals to serve openly to marriage benefits for same-sex couples. As a sign of just how much things have changed since the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the Defense Departmentis opening up one of its three special recreation centers to OutServe for its annual conference in October. The resort and its waterfalls, pools, and gardens, which were meant to reward our fighting force and their families, will now be the setting for a group that’s plotting to destroy what moral traditions our military has left.

Until then, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is happy to run point for OutServe from the Department of Justice, where he and his team are actively working to rip the federal marriage law to shreds. In typical Obama administration fashion, Holder waited until a sleepy Friday afternoon before forwarding a letter to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) that announced his Department would not be defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in a challenge over same-sex military benefits. Almost a year to the day that President Obama first refused to fight for DOMA, Holder turned down his fifth straight case on the law.

“As I explained in my letter of February 23, 2011, the President and I have concluded that classifications based on sexual orientation should be subject to a heightened standard of congressional scrutiny under equal protection principles, and that Section 3 of DOMA fails such scrutiny… I have accordingly determined that [the military’s Title 38]… violate[s] the equal protection component of the Fifth Amendment… I will instruct Department attorneys not to defend those provisions… in McLaughlin and to inform the district court of the Department’s view that like Section 3 of DOMA, 38 U.S.C… cannot be constitutionally applied to same-sex couples…”

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Of course, it’s not Holder’s place to decide which laws are or are not constitutional. But unfortunately for our troops, this administration has never been one to play by the rules-or abide by its job description. Meanwhile, the fringe activists cheered the DOJ’s rebellion. We are “delighted,” said one, “that, for the first time, [Holder] has said that separate definitions that apply to military veterans are unconstitutional.” Well, the Attorney General may have said so, but the courts haven’t. And unless the White House has found some way to bypass them too, the matter is far from settled.

It’s Time to Schedule a Pray Date…

Prayer_Marriage_LThe administration may be trying to influence the court’s judgment, but thank goodness it can’t influence God’s. Even the most powerful politicians in the world are no match for the Author and Creator of marriage. As the Left pushes Americans to go weak in the knees, we should be driven to them–in prayer. This Sunday, February 26, groups like FRC and the Alliance Defense Fund are calling for a National Day to Pray for Marriage in the face of severe attacks from the Department of Justice to the Ninth Circuit Court. As we speak, at least eight states (Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia) are moving quickly to either strengthen marriage or abolish it. In the courts, lawsuits are striking simultaneously at the heart of DOMA, Proposition 8, and even polygamy bans. And you heard what’s happening in our military, as the administration goes for the jugular in one of the country’s strongest moral communities.

We agree with ADF that a day of unified, focused prayer for marriage can and will have a powerful impact on the future of marriage nationwide. Please join us, and spread the word to your friends, neighbors, and pastors. For a special guide with specific prayer requests and praise points, check out ADF’s website. In the meantime, we encourage you to lift up our nation’s military, its judges, chaplains, pastors, and politicians in prayer. Together, we can take comfort in the promise, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

205 Days and Counting!

Voters_Value_SummitIn the last six years, FRC Action’s Values Voter Summit has rocketed up the ladder as one of the most influential gatherings of conservatives in America. If you care about limited government, national security, and traditional values–true conservativism–there’s no better place to be on September 14-16 than the biggest pro-family event in Washington, D.C. This week, registration officially opens for the seventh Values Voter Summit at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, co-sponsored by The Heritage Foundation, American Family Association, American Values, Liberty University, and Liberty Counsel. Last year, 3,100 activists filled the seats to capacity, as speakers like the GOP presidential candidates, Speaker John Boehner, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Rep. Jim Jordan, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Dr. Bill Bennett, Lt. Gen. William Boykin (U.S. Army-Ret.), congressional leaders, and dozens more rallied the base for the big election year ahead. By September, the nation’s presidential race will be heading into the final stretch, and you won’t want to miss what happens in the thick of the debate. Registration packages start at just $99 for adults and $50 for students. If you register before April 30, we’ll even knock $20 off the price! Log on to www.valuesvotersummit.org or call 877-372-2808. We’ll see you September 14!

** “Access” means “you get it for free?” Cathy Ruse talks about the President’s dangerous logic in her new op-ed on the health care mandate in Human Events.

*** What’s behind the Santorum surge? Read my op-ed in U.S. News and World Report to find out.

SOURCE: Family Research Council

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.