Virginia School System says ‘NO!’ to Coed Bathrooms


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By Linda Wall | BarbWire

Despite a threatening letter from the ACLU and a recent special meeting hosted by Equality Virginia, the School Board of Gloucester County voted 6 to 1 to keep girls bathrooms for girls and boys bathrooms for boys. Students suffering from gender identity issues will be provided a gender neutral bathroom.

The parking lot for the School Board meeting gave the appearance that a championship game of a sports event was underway. Cars were parked everywhere and people walked briskly from all directions towards the building.

As soon as I entered the auditorium door I could feel the “heat” from the multitude of folks who had shown up for the vote on this hot topic. Immediately, I shed my coat and continued down the aisle by-passing the line of people signing up to speak.


Scattered empty seats near the front caught my attention. The very first seat that I asked about was reserved for Gavin Grimm, the girl who thinks she is a boy and is demanding her right to use the boys bathroom and boys locker room. The excitement in the section indicated to me I had chosen Grimm’s “fan club” section to sit near.

My second attempt for a seat landed me on the second row aisle seat beside the speaker podium. After I placed my coat down so I could sit on it, I looked up and locked eyes with Gavin Grimm who was seated two rows behind me. In that brief moment I hoped she felt the love of the Lord from me as compassion swelled up inside. She looked away and then looked back and locked eyes one more time.

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The public was only given two minutes to speak, but most speakers had spoken previously at the November meeting and were merely reiterating their stances. Those supporting transgender bathrooms used the same script we have heard for years from pro-gay activists: it’s a “civil rights” issue.

The side that wanted to keep the present policy far outnumbered the supporters for transgender bathrooms. It became very apparent that traditional values were alive and well in Gloucester County and the people were not afraid to say so. Several parents even reminded the Board that votes have consequences at election time.

After public comment time it was the Board’s turn to weigh in. Board member Carla Hood who had previously proposed the recommendation to keep the present policy and add an alternative bathroom for transgenders took the lead. She gave an excellent presentation making it clear that the seven individuals on the School Board wanted what was best for all students in K-12.

Hood pointed out that she had conducted much research on both sides and wanted to first explain what this issue was not. “It’s not about civil rights. It’s not about allowing people to be themselves. It’s not about bullying or intimidation”, said Hook.

She went on to add, “We’re talking about one thing and one thing only –respecting everyone’s dignity and privacy.”

Several other Board members gave brief supporting comments for Hood’s recommendation. The one dissenting Board member was of the “progressive” philosophy and attempted to frighten the members into voting against the proposal and make all the bathrooms gender neutral.

It was so refreshing to attend a meeting where extremist political activism lost and all of the kids and families in Gloucester County Schools won.

Linda Wall is a “Missionary to America”, a Christian activist. She is a former lesbian, delivered from homosexuality by the power of the Living Jesus Christ. She has worked for the Virginia General Assembly, helped on political campaigns for conservative candidates at the state and federal level, lobbied for The Family Foundation of Virginia and Concerned Women for America of Virginia, served on the Board of Directors of Parents & Friends of Ex-gays and Gays and ran for the Virginia House of Delegates. Linda is presently founder and CEO of Virginia Mass Resistance, a Judeo-Christian group whose mission is to resist the forces coming against the Judeo-Christian foundation of America. Linda is available to share her testimony of deliverance. Email her at


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Linda Wall
Linda Wall For almost forty years Linda has been doing missionary work in Virginia. Her assignments have taken her down many political avenues: the Virginia General Assembly, political campaigns, lobbyist, and candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. Linda was delivered from homosexuality by the power of Jesus Christ over thirty-five years ago. She is presently calling for The Church to stand for righteousness and against sexual perversion in this hour. To be the light and salt Christ commanded us to be.