DRUGS DEALERS: Our focus has been on the drug dealers, yes they are the lowest scum, but they are the wrong target. The guilty ones are the Americans that use the drugs.
PROSTITUTES: Our laws are against them, but they are the wrong target, the main effort should be against the boys and men who pay them for sex- the fornicators and adulators.
ABORTIONIST: Yes, the abortionist is the bottom feeder of the medical profession, they do the actual killing of the baby, but they are the wrong target. We should focus on the girls and women who bring their babies in to be killed by them.
MALE MARINES: Yes, the male marines that look at naked women marine’s photos with or without permission are being involved with pornography which is not good. However, the trouble is with the naked women- just what did they have in mind when they posed for the picture? These women should be discharged for lack of common sense. (Assume the pictures were taken without coercion.)
Greene Hollowell
Richmond, VA