The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) wants people to know that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about—from how and why we were made, to how the universe was formed, to how we can know God and receive all He has planned for us.
Each month they publish “Acts and Facts”, please go to their site HERE and discover more.
July’s edition: Excerpts from ICR’s Magazine “Acts and Facts”
Inside July 2019 Acts & Facts
We’re excited to announce the grand opening of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History! Be among the first to walk through our doors on Labor Day, September 2. Will we see you on opening day? How do animals reveal God’s handiwork? Why did God flood the whole world? And how does archaeology confirm biblical history? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the July 2019 issue of Acts & Facts!
Design-Based Spider Research Proves Creator’s Genius
by Jeffery P. Tompkins, PH.D. | Thursday, July 4, 2019
Evolutionary theory is based on the faulty assumption that chance random processes can produce highly ordered complex systems, and this theory routinely fails to reveal scientific reality. A new secular study that applies engineering principles in the analysis of spider-web physics, related to the design concept of “power amplification,” has not only been highly successful, but also glorifies the amazing genius of God the Creator.1
Power amplification is an ingenious engineering principle that enables animals to produce exceptionally rapid and powerful movements that exceed the normal physiological limits of muscle power and speed. Some of the best known examples of this design principle in nature are the ultrafast strike of the mantis shrimp’s claw, a power-packed thrust that can break aquarium glass, and the flea’s jump in which it accelerates at 100 Gs (force of gravity) while reaching heights of over 100 times its body length.2,3 However, until now, scientists have only been aware of examples of muscle-driven power amplification that involve anatomical structures alone, like the above examples that produce rapid bursts of movement from a single cycle of muscular contraction.
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Skeptics Analyze Original Tissues with Lousy Logic
by Brian Thomas, PH.D. | Friday, June 28, 2019
The scientific literature contains over 100 examples of original biomaterials in fossils.1 These include a few decades’ worth of reports, using at least a few dozen independent techniques to target specific vertebrate biochemicals—such as the hardy protein collagen.
One team of skeptics recently published a report trying to disprove the existence of collagen in supposedly ancient bone. They made the case that they found no collagen in their one dinosaur bone, and because they found microbes in it, therefore all the other claims of Cretaceous collagen are false. All that published work from hundreds of expert researchers around the world supposedly mistook modern microbes for ancient proteins.2 Three shortcomings in this report leave short-lived collagen perfectly intact inside dinosaur bones. It also leaves intact the enormous weight that fossil proteins force evolutionary time to shoulder.
Contend Earnestly
By Henry M. Morris IV | Friday, June 28, 2019
The little book of Jude is a short but powerful statement against those who dilute and warp the gospel of grace and salvation through Christ. Written nearly 2,000 years ago to address the teachings of ungodly men who had “crept in unnoticed” (Jude 1:4), it seemingly could have been written last week. The problems in Jude’s day are still very real in ours, and we would be wise to heed his warnings.
Jude had apparently intended to write a straightforward exposition of the doctrines “concerning our common salvation” (v. 3)—that is, the great salvation held in common by all believers who have been “called, sanctified…and preserved” (v. 1). But he was compelled instead, evidently by the Holy Spirit, to call for a vigorous defense of the faith in light of the arrival of apostate teachers. Jude “found it necessary” (v. 3), a strong word in the Greek that conveys the idea of urgent distress in view of a pending calamity. False teachers preaching and living out a counterfeit gospel were misleading those who needed to hear the true gospel, and it was imperative for Christians to quench such doctrinal error in all its forms.
Moabite King’s Boast Corroborates Genesis
By James J. S. Johnson, J.D., TH.D. | Friday, June 28, 2019
The Moabite Stone was discovered in 1868 in Dibon (Dhiban in modern-day Jordan). Also called the Mesha Stele, it was set in place as a monument by King Mesha of Moab around 830 BC. The stone is not only a reminder that archaeology is riddled with speculation, it also has interesting implications for biblical apologetics.
Recently, a secular archaeologist advocated a new guess about two letters in the Moabite Stone’s inscription.1 Israel Finkelstein used high-resolution photographs to scrutinize damaged portions of Line 31 and decided that an earlier expert, André Lemaire, was wrong. Lemaire reported one part as BT [D]WD.2 Finkelstein speculated that B[??] is correct, which could be BLQ—i.e., Balak, a Moabite king.1