Binders and implants: Inside Albemarle County’s secret elementary school transgender advocacy program

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Albemarle County Public Schools Superintendent, Matt Haas, Ed.D. and his school board have big plans for their students in the domain of gender discovery and experimentation. But not everyone is on board.

Following a particularly disturbing transgender policy presentation to the faculty at Mountain View (formerly Cale) Elementary School, a concerned local government insider provided Zoom footage of the conclave to the Schilling Show.

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In this edited clip of the full presentation, Mountain View Principal, Cyndi Wells, presides over a rambling seminar clearly intended to provide methods of elementary school student indoctrination in contemporary transgender culture, language, and comportment. Myriad concepts and techniques were presented with the underlying premise of “honoring” students’ gender “experiences” while pawkily flouting parental rights and involvement.

This meeting was recorded on March 4, 2022.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Rob Schilling
Rob Schilling is founder of the multi-award-winning Schilling Show Blog and News, proprietor of Schilling Show Media; host of both the Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast and WINA's The Schilling Show heard weekdays at noon; husband; father; worship leader, Christian recording artist and Community Watchdog. He can be found on Facebook and YouTube.