
Do You Want to Be Free?

So, there’s really only one question we each need to consider. Do you want to be free? Do you want to leave the cave? If so, you must find the truth. And once we leave the cave, we must stop acting like we still live there. The cave only ceases being reality when we accept it is not. Then we are to assist others in their finding truth.

The world economic forum’s great reset, China’s attempts to conquer America, the corruption, the virus. None of this is from God. It is contrary to our purpose. Truth, unity, and virtue (becoming good) all come from following God. Is that what we see today? I think we are seeing an awakening that evil forces are trying to keep tamped down. We are taking back our true identity as God’s creation. Truth always wins, as long as we stand in it and for it.

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Battle Update

We are in a war, but an irregular war the likes of which we’ve not seen before. China financed internal insurgents like BLM and Antifa….

Virginia Gov Northam: Legalize Marijuana

Gov. Northam called Virginia’s state legislators into a special session this week to address areas that need “critical support” during a time of social unrest and the COVID-19 crisis. When the average person hears the word “critical,” legalization of marijuana is probably not top of mind.

Even so, that’s exactly what several left-wing leaders are pushing as top priority. In an Aug. 11 letter, for instance, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney urged General Assembly leaders to “take immediate action” to “legalize marijuana” and establish a “tax system for recreational use.” Unfortunately, many people are genuinely confused by claims that regulating “recreational” marijuana will help, not harm, families.

We Follow God

America is rapidly coming to a time of choosing; a fourth great awakening opportunity. We’ve such an opportunity about every 100 years. The first in…

New World or Old?

Much has changed in the last week, let alone the last three months. This week is disappointing, but not surprising. We should not give up…

Return to Rome?

Prior articles discussed ideas underlying constructs like critical theory, oneness, the great reset, BLM, being woke, and elitism. These all come from the same root—a…