Creation vs. Evolution


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The Virginia Christian Alliance invites our readers to explore the issue of creation and evolution on Answers in Genesis here: 

Creation vs. evolution is not a battle of science vs. the Bible or science vs. faith. It’s a battle between two starting points; God’s Word and man’s word.

Which starting point you chose will determine how you interpret the evidence.

Creation vs. Evolution Terms

In the creation/evolution controversy and battle over biblical authority, much of the dispute may become clearer if writers would carefully provide readers with precise definitions of terminology. These definitions may help clear up confusion.

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Hypothesis or Fact?

Why is it that evolutionists are unwilling to allow for competing models, i.e., creation or even intelligent design? The hypothesis of evolution changes every year; if one theory is said to be fact, but then a year later is shown to be wrong, then how can it be fact in the first place? A true fact is something that never changes.

Creation Vs. Evolution? Or Creation Vs. Science?

Can science and religion get along? Some secular scientists do seem to be making an effort to reach out; the problem is that they are only reaching out to religious individuals who won’t let their faith “get in the way” of science.

Creation Undermining Science?

Russell Garwood in his article “Reach out to defend evolution,” complains that creationists present “perceived gaps in scientific knowledge as evidence in support of theistic world views.” Taking a biblical stand does not undermine science; it illuminates science, just like reliable eyewitness testimony enables a detective to correctly interpret the circumstantial evidence at the scene of a crime.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance