Departure, Disappearance, Devastation

food shortages

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Terry James | Prophecy Line

The grocery store shelves across America, like Old Mother Hubbard’s shelves, are growing increasingly bare. The ships are being kept from entering the harbors to be unloaded on the docks.

The semi tractor-trailer trucks are idle because truck drivers, refusing the jabs, are walking off the job, so what few containers that do get unloaded from the ships aren’t moving to the rest of the nation.

Workers throughout the country, in most every business, are refusing to work, either because of vaccination demands or because they are given paydays through stimulus madness. All this is creating production and distribution problems that threaten to totally disrupt society. Prices are rising dramatically while economic pressures are in process of producing…well, the experts aren’t sure what. Perhaps inflation, stagflation, recession, depression, or even something worse that the world hasn’t experienced previously.

Gasoline prices are headed toward all-time highs at the pumps in some parts of the country because those ideologues that see fossil fuels as killing Mother Earth have shut down the previous presidential administration’s successful efforts to make the U.S. once again energy independent. Soon, home energy costs will be so high as to possibly endanger some who live within the coldest climates of America. The rest of us will—if the environmental wackos have their way—just have to swelter during the heat of summers.

Rolling blackouts because of shutting down coal-fired power plants and even nuclear power plants have already begun taking place. Soon, the entire nation will experience what California and others are going through, making daily life ever more unpleasant. This is the forecast of the dystopian bloggers and podcasters who constantly and consistently prophesy the coming time of unprecedented plunges in living conditions on a planet headed for disaster.

These predict that the globalists elite are even now in process of destroying this, the most advanced and powerful nation ever to exist. They have used COVID-19 and the vaccine mandate tyranny to bring chaos. They have used political shenanigans and stolen elections at every level to bring about cultural and societal change that is hastening the fall of the nation.

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That fall must take place, according to those who observe matters involved, in order to bring about the one-world, utopian existence the global architects envision. America is the holdup to progress in the ages-long lust to put all the populations of the world under the despotic thumb of a central, authoritarian, select few.

America’s greatest enemies, like China and Russia, many fear, are planning invasions of various kinds—and are even already implementing some of the cyberspace and other less kinetic forms of warfare. It is just a matter of time until all these outer assaults, along with the internal evil that is undermining America’s foundations at every juncture, bring about the collapse of this great republic.

Those of us who study Bible prophecy from the pre-Trib view see almost exactly the same developments as do those who have no particular religious viewpoint. The intent can’t be missed as the globalist architects employ their unceasing assaults, particularly on the US, but also against all nation-states that insist on maintaining sovereign territory within defined borders.

We see beyond the fears held by those who have no biblical view—or at least no Bible view that is based on sound interpretation. We know that God’s judgment is coming. As a matter of fact, Jesus, Himself, spoke of previous times much like those we are experiencing. He talked about the days of Noah and the days of Lot, as we have mentioned here numerous times.

We have seen that, just as the Lord said, times now are much like they were in Noah’s day. Violence fills the whole earth. Every thought of mankind seems to be only on evil continually.

Today is like the time of Lot in Sodom. We don’t have to have an extraordinary amount of insight to understand the strange, unnaturalness involved with the LBTQ or whatsoever sexual deviancy pervading present-day culture and society. We are apparently at the very brink of judgment described by Jesus while on the Mount of Olives those 2000 something years ago.

To those who view all of this from the pre-Trib view of Bible prophecy—that Christ will call the Church to Himself before that judgment falls—the time could well be at hand for fulfillment.

The departure (the disappearing of all believers from planet earth) as given in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, when the Lord spoke of the Day of the Lord and of the man of sin stepping onto the pages of end times history:

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

The “falling away” in this text, it has now been assessed by most all biblical scholars of the pre-Trib ilk, speaks of a spatial or physical departure from one place to another. Others still view this falling away as falling away from the faith—belief in Christ as prerequisite for salvation. Thorough study shows that the translators of Bible texts going back to the 1500s and beyond interpret this as spatial departure rather than as spiritual defection.

I, personally, believe it could mean both a spatial and a spiritual departure. What follows that departure is the coming on the scene of Antichrist. We see his foreshadow in every direction on the geopolitical, societal/cultural, and religious landscape of our time.

Jesus said that, like in Lot’s removal from Sodom, the very day all Christians are removed from earth to the heavenly clouds of Glory to be with their Savior and Lord, judgment and seven years of devastation will fall.

Jesus said that when we see all of this begin to come to pass, we are to look up and lift our heads. Our redemption will be drawing near.

We who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord can only echo God’s own glorious declaration.

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20)

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Terry James
Leading biblical prophecy expert Terry James is an author, general editor, and co-author of numerous books on Bible prophecy—hundreds of thousands of which have been sold worldwide. His latest release is Rapture Ready…Or Not? 15 Reasons This Is the Generation That Will Be Left Behind, is for this generation of readers who are confused and look upon a world that seems to have destroyed opportunity for a bright, abundant future. The Rapture is about to catastrophically strike an unsuspecting world of both unbelievers and believers. Jesus Christ is the shelter from the coming Tribulation storm of God’s wrath and judgment.