What inspires you?

What inspires you

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What inspires you? Amidst all the noise and clamor, what core truth permeates everything you say and do?

For over 42 years, our mission at Lamb & Lion Ministries has been to proclaim the soon return of Jesus Christ — to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. But even that overarching purpose is grounded in an even more critical Truth: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Why do I say that? Because it is possible to accept the reality that Jesus is coming soon and miss the impact that knowledge should have on your life. As many have recognized, there is a critical 18-inch gap between our head and our heart. Head knowledge does not necessarily translate into heart conviction.

One extreme example would be Satan. He knows the validity of the Word of God and recognizes the power of God, but he refuses to revere God as God.
So, it should come as no surprise that even as we dive deep into Bible prophecy and point to Jesus’ soon return, our driving motivation is to share the Gospel. For those wandering in the darkness of sin, it offers light and hope. Paul described it as the power of God to salvation.

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For those who have already embraced Jesus as the Messiah and are justified before God, the Gospel is a never-ending wellspring of encouragement and purpose. God leaves us here on this earth to be His ambassadors, sharing that Good News with people all around the world.

What is the Gospel? Simply stated, it is God’s provision for salvation. It is the manifestation of God’s infinite, marvelous, amazing grace — His unmerited favor offered to all who put their trust in His Son, Jesus. The Gospel tells us that Christ suffered the full measure of God’s wrath we deserve on Calvary’s cross. The Good News is that by believing in Jesus Christ our sins are covered by His shed blood so that we can be adopted as sons and daughters to enjoy the full measure of God’s holiness and righteousness.

It is not enough to know about God or to understand the mysteries He has revealed in the pages of Scripture. It is not enough to advocate for Jesus’ soon return, convincing people that God the Father is about to send His Son to gather His Bride. If knowledge about God and insight into His mysteries and Jesus’ return do not elicit saving faith, our labors are in vain.

We pray that you will be emboldened to share the Good News about Jesus even more fervently. He is coming soon, which means that we must be urgent about our evangelism. Jesus forgave and then healed the paralytic man who was brought to Him by four men in Capernaum. Mark emphasizes that He was moved by their faith.

In a mysterious way known only to God, your faith in Him is often instrumental in bringing others to Him — for forgiveness, for healing, for eternal impact. Who are you bringing before the throne of God on a regular basis? Where are you going and telling what Jesus has done for you?

Time is running out!

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Lamb and Lion Ministries
Lamb & Lion Ministries was founded in 1980 as a non-denominational, independent ministry. The Ministry does not seek to convert people to any particular church. Rather, it seeks to lift up Jesus and draw people to Him as Lord and Savior. The Ministry was established for the purpose of proclaiming the soon return of Jesus. We do not believe it is possible to know the date when Jesus will return. But we do believe it is possible to know the season of the Lord’s return, and it is our conviction that we are living in that season.