What is Next for Same-Sex Marriage Advocates?


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Proponents of same-sex marriage are quick to claim that all they want is “marriage equality.” Nothing more. They’ll be content if they can just have “equality.” But we all know that reality doesn’t end there. In recent weeks, same-sex advocates have finally begun to admit it themselves. 

Published just days ago in a The New York Times piece, Stanford law professor Ralph Banks, asks, “What now of the two remaining criminal prohibitions of intimate relationships: incest and polygamy? Even as same sex … relationships are accepted, Americans are now imprisoned for incest and polygamy … Over time, our moral assessments of these practices will shift … Should a state be permitted to imprison two cousins because they have sex or attempt to marry? Should a man and two wives be permitted to live together as a family when they assert that their religious convictions lead them to do so?”

Just the rantings of a left-wing professor?   No, Professor Banks’ words have actually proven to be prophetic. Just days after the Governor of New York signed its same-sex marriage bill into law, a man in Utah along with his four wives were inspired to file a lawsuit challenging Utah’s polygamy ban stating “We only wish to live our private lives according to our beliefs.” 

Just equality, right? 

Homosexual rights advocate Dan Savage goes even further and continues the marriage muddling, arguing, “We aren’t wired for monogamy.” He tells the New York Times magazine that America needs a more “realistic” view of marriage and that it’s the LGBT community’s responsibility to bring “open relationships” to the definition of marriage – to create an environment that’s “more forgiving of the occasional affair.” Savage’s “It Gets Better” homosexuality campaign targets children and teenagers and is being promoted by homosexual groups as an “anti-bullying” project to be used by public schools. 

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John Corvine, professor at Wayne State University, is heading in the same direction as Professor Banks and Mr. Savage.   Reflecting on the same-sex marriage debate in New York, Professor Corvine writes, “It’s worth remembering that polygamy is quite ‘traditional,’ even biblical. It is no more logically connected to one side of this debate than the other. The truth is that New York granted same-sex couples marriage rights not because of a radical idea, but because of an old-fashioned one: when two individuals commit to a lifetime of mutual love and care, it’s good to support them – or at least get out of their way.” 

When you stray from the God-given confines of marriage, where do you draw the line? How is it fair to term one meandering relationship “recognized” without validating the other variations? Where does it end? 

Same-sex advocates have no intention of declaring victory in New York and calling it quits. The goal is not to advance “equality,” the goal is to redefine marriage until existing sexual norms are no longer in existence. Counterfeit forms of marriage cheapen and undermine real marriage. The union of a man and a woman in a committed marriage is the foundation of a stable society.   Traditional marriage and family are too important for society to experiment with to advance a political agenda. 

Social science and history concur: men, women, and children are more likely to succeed emotionally, financially, and educationally within a two-parent, mother-father, married family. Marriage, properly defined, matters. Regardless of the agenda of left-wing advocates, The Family Foundation will continue to fight to protect the definitions and institutions of marriage and family in our Commonwealth.

Victoria_CobbVictoria Cobb is the president of The Family Foundation and works directly with legislators and their staff to aid them in understanding legislation and sponsoring family friendly bills. She also directs the advocacy and research operations of The Family Foundation and serves as spokesperson for The Family Foundation in the media.

The Family Foundation

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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