Governor and Attorney General Homosexualizing Virginia


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Linda Wall |Barbwire

For over a decade, sexual perversion activists have been out to “fundamentally transform” the Commonwealth of Virginia. Each year during the General Assembly Session, the number of bills to advance the homosexual agenda has averaged between eight and ten.

Then came Governor Terry McAuliffe and Attorney General Mark Herring. During the 2015 Session that just finished, twenty bills promoting homosexuality were introduced. Through the efforts of people with traditional values, pro-family organizations and truly conservative legislators, all efforts to legislate immorality failed.

northam-mcauliffe-herringBut just two weeks after the Session ended in February, Attorney General Mark Herring showing his disdain for the defeat of legislation that would have given sexual orientation special status in the Code of Virginia, Herring threw the front door of public schools wide open to homosexual activists by issuing an Opinion giving schools the power to make sexual behavior and gender identity confusion categories for school “non – discrimination” policies. This presents an immediate concern for Virginia students who will be punished for standing true to their religious convictions that homosexuality is an abomination.

In his Opinion, Herring overturned the 2002 ruling issued by former Attorney General Jerry Kilgore. Kilgore had ruled because Virginia is a Dillon Rule state, local government bodies cannot create policies when a law does not exist; therefore, schools have no authority to add sexual orientation to their rules.

This was not the Attorney General’s first time of overstepping his boundaries. Last year, Herring refused to defend the Virginia Marriage Amendment. He put the definition of marriage into the hands of a few strategically placed judges to define marriage rather than the 1.3 million Virginians who had defined it as one man and one woman.

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Herring has not been acting alone in sodomizing Virginia; Governor Terry McAuliffe made his first pro-sexual perversion move just two weeks after he took office as Governor in 2014. He issued an Executive Order that included “special protection” for gender confused state employees as well as men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women. It can only be concluded that this order was to prevent state employees from responding negatively to his soon to come appointment of a transgender to the top health position in the state.

McAuliffe appointed Marissa Levine, the former Dr. Mark Levine of Henrico County, to be Virginia’s Health Commissioner. Out of fear of losing their jobs, state employees have remained silent on this ludicrous appointment of putting a man who looks in the mirror and sees himself as a woman in charge of the health of all Virginians. One can only wonder what type of policies a transgender Health Commissioner might implement in the school clinics and guidance offices across the state for students confused about their gender.

When “unelected” judges ruled against God’s definition of marriage, Governor McAuliffe wasted no time issuing an Executive Order ordering all state agencies to comply with unnatural marriages. He has been quite busy since winning “the first Virginia Governor Award” in several categories. McAuliffe is the first Virginia Governor to officiate at a lesbian wedding; the first Virginia Governor to proclaim June glbt pride month; and the first Virginia Governor to speak at a “gay pride” event. He has also created a lesbian gay bisexual transgender Tourism Task Force to showcase Virginia as a sexual perversion friendly destination.

McAuliffe and Herring are consumed with men marrying men and women marrying women.Linda Wall is a native Virginian. She grew up in rural Dinwiddie County and graduated from Longwood College in 1973where she received a Bachelor of Science Degree. She spent ten years in the field of education. She has been a small business owner and been employed in many supervisory capacities. Upon discovering America’s “spiritual heritage” and seeing the threat to the existence of the Judeo-Christian foundation she became a “Christian activist”.



Linda has worked for the Virginia General Assembly, helped on political campaigns for conservative candidates at the state and federal level, lobbied for The Family Foundation of Virginia and Concerned Women for America of Virginia (CWA-VA), served on the Board of Directors of Parents & Friends of Ex-gays and Gays (PFOX) and ran for the Virginia State Senate. She has appeared on numerous radio shows as well as TV shows such as, Ex-gay Today, Healing Miracles and Valley Faith in Action.

Linda is a born again believer who was set free from the “trap” of homosexuality. Her passion is sharing about Jesus Christ whom she discovered is the same today as He was yesterday and calling people back to the Living God.

She is available to speak to small groups and churches and may be contacted through Virginia Christian Alliance.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Linda Wall
Linda Wall For almost forty years Linda has been doing missionary work in Virginia. Her assignments have taken her down many political avenues: the Virginia General Assembly, political campaigns, lobbyist, and candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. Linda was delivered from homosexuality by the power of Jesus Christ over thirty-five years ago. She is presently calling for The Church to stand for righteousness and against sexual perversion in this hour. To be the light and salt Christ commanded us to be.
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