Globalist Agenda

The Real Planet Polluters

Climate change—formerly global warming—is almost certainly the nucleus around which the Revelation chapter 17 harlot religious system is being formed. Mother Earth worship seems to be the system the globalist would-be world rulers want us to embrace as quickly as possible.

The End-Game: Hiding in Plain Sight – Pastor Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk

Jack Hibbs: You need to know that we’re living in the days that the Bible were saying chess piece of set up. I’m not saying we’re in the tribulation. I’m saying we’re seeing the indicators that’s coming in if that’s true, then how much sooner is the return of the Lord coming to snatch up his church up and away into his presence called the rapture.

Rethinking the Lie

I will ask you to indulge me just a bit while I think on the great lie that is prophesied for the time of Tribulation….

Counterfeit Commandments

Lucifer will counterfeit the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). This is found in Revelation chapter 13, with the introduction of the first beast, the second beast, and Satan himself as giving power and authority to these wicked cohorts during the Tribulation era.