Articles by Answers in Genesis

Sharing the Gospel in a Hostile Society

Christians are commanded to take the message of the gospel everywhere and to everyone. This means at least some Christians will be called to share the gospel in contexts that can become very hostile or even dangerous.

The Myth of the Flood Myth

Did Moses steal the flood story from the Babylonians? “Moses stole the flood story from the Babylonians.” This year, many college freshmen will hear those…

Age of the Earth

Creation was by the direct action of the Creator as opposed to some naturalistic process.
Creation took place in the beginning and was finished and complete.
Creation was not spread out over a major portion of the supposed evolutionary vast time history of the universe.

Creation vs. Evolution

Creation vs. evolution is not a battle of science vs. the Bible or science vs. faith. It’s a battle between two starting points; God’s Word and man’s word. Which starting point you chose will determine how you interpret the evidence.