Dan Wolf

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Dan Wolf photo for bio150Dan Wolf



Author and speaker, Dan Wolf, is gifted at gathering facts about contemporary subjects and sharing information in a manner that is easy to read and understand. Dan will be posting both historical and current information about Islam and Sharia on the VCA website.

Dan’s goal is to help readers get started on their own journey of discovery, or help them along the way on a journey they may have already begun. Our Founders considered education, religion, morality, and virtue to be the cornerstones for any successful society. Being successful requires understanding both the languages of reason and faith; reason alone is insufficient. Unfortunately, our education system no longer teaches what we need to know to remain free and independent, and as a result we are in danger of losing our way. But it is not too late. In the end we each have the freedom to choose, and the ability to learn. There are many who have already blazed a trail for us; we only need the will to embrace the challenge and make the effort.

Dan Wolf’s life can be divided into his career and vocation. By way of career, he is a successful professional with over twenty years’ experience helping organizations solve problems. He possesses a rich mix of research experience, analytical abilities, and the capability of turning complex abstract ideas into something tangible. He deeply believes that things do not happen in isolation; that understanding different facets leads to a better understanding of issues.

Dan is a CPA with a Master’s degree in Finance and two years of doctoral coursework in human judgment and decision-making. His vocation began at a young age with a penchant for history, but started in earnest with the events of 9/11. In trying to understand those events he has been led on a journey which has included learning the tenets of Islam, the contents and history of the Bible, and exploring Christian philosophical/theological thought related to our purpose. This purpose directly translates into how we should govern ourselves and is born out in the history of freedom’s development.

Dan has authored one book, Do You Want To Be Free, available at Amazon.com and is now writing his second book.

VCA readers may follow Dan at his website Living Rightly.  His email address is livingrightly@mindspring.com.


13 Part Series : About  Islam

  1. The World Before Muhammad
  2. Islamic Borrowings and the Arabic Peoples
  3. Arab Ancestry and Language
  4. Muhammad’s Life and Teachings, Part I
  5. Muhammad’s Life and Teachings, Part II
  6. The First Caliphs and the Umayyad Dynasty
  7. The Abbasid Dynasty – Part I, History
  8. The Abbasid Dynasty – Part II, Its Religious Development
  9. The Abbasid Dynasty – Part III, Dhimmitude
  10. The Ottoman Empire
  11. About that 1% on Extremists
  12. Extremism, Islam, and Politics
  13. Extremism and Islam – Law and Culture

The Interfaith Series

    1. Inter-Faith Myths and Islam: Part 1
    2. Inter-Faith Myths and Islam – Part 2 A Christian Perspective
    3. Islamic Propaganda
    4. The Problem of Religious Sources
    5. Islam Defined
    6. Islam’s Jesus
    7. Why the Differences in God’s Nature Matter
    8. Jihad’s Nature
    9. How Should Christians Respond
    10. What Christians Should Not Do
    11. A Word to the Left

Other articles by Dan Wolf

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With Freedom Comes Responsibility and We Must Demand It from Our Media
Hatred and the Political Left
Will We Stand for Truth?
Islam’s Ties to Modern Slavery
Resettling Immigrants in Virginia
Why We are Losing the War
Making Sense of Orlando
High Turn Out for Brigitte Gabriel Event Shows Islam Issue High Priority for Virginians
The Case for Charity, or Why the First Effort to Repeal Obamacare Failed
Of Governance, Healthcare, and Refugees
Living in a Land of Lies: How Progressivism Impacts Society

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.