The New Challenge for Blacks: Maintaining our Dignity to Preserve the Virtue and Legacy of the Civil Rights Struggle


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Hate speech does not come from those who tell the truth. It comes from those who hate the truth and love a lie.  

Using the civil rights struggle to promote the sexual appetites of the homosexual agenda is an affront to the dignity of black people. No other group in America has had to suffer the wicked injustices as did African blacks who were forced to provide hard labor with no compensation, and their American descendants.

 Blacks from Africa were put in chains and imported to America packed on slave ships like La Amistad. Homosexual groups were not. That is not hate speech; that’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

The right to own, buy or sell a black man was upheld by the United States Supreme Court in the Dred Scott Decision. The right to own, buy or sell a homosexual was not. That is not hate speech; that’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

After the United States Civil War, black people were denied the right to vote. Homosexuals were never denied the right to vote. That is not hate speech; that’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

During the days of segregation, there were public schools where black children were not allowed to attend. Homosexuals were never turned away from a public school. That is not a hate speech; that’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

During the early struggle for civil rights, there were state colleges where qualified black applicants were not welcomed to pursue a degree. Homosexuals were never denied the right to pursue a degree from a state college. That is not hate speech; that’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

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Population controllers like Planned Parenthood have set up offices in the zip codes of minority communities that are predominantly black or Hispanic under the guise of helping the poor. No population control group has set up in the zip codes in predominantly homosexual communities under the guise of helping the poor. That is not hate speech; that’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

To this day, the descendants of African slaves have not been compensated for the misery, toil and slashes on the backs of their ancestors by large corporations who profited from the slave trade in America. There are no descendants of homosexual relationships from the slave trade, and since no corporation profited from cheap homosexual labor, there is no call for compensation. That is not hate speech; that’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

As blacks, we have our faults, for all have sinned, but we never insist that God approve of our wrongdoings. Many sins are done in secret because of the shame experienced. In fact, we hold revivals to repent of our shortcomings, and shout in appreciation for the unmerited blessings God has bestowed upon us. Homosexuals want ministers to approve of their unholy unions regardless what God thinks. They know no shame and flaunt their behavior with public parades boasting their pride. There is no repentance for those who know no shame. So, God resists the

proud. That is not hate speech; that’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

Therefore, it time for blacks to regain the dignity of the civil rights struggle and take back the mantle stolen from the legacy of the foot soldiers and leaders. An unnatural sexual appetite is not the same as being black. It never was! This is not hate speech; it’s an undeniable fact. An undeniable fact is the truth. Those who hate truth love a lie. 

This is why there are those who hate me. I don’t mind. Because if someone loves a lie, I do not want to be loved by them. If someone loves a lie, let them love the apostate ministers that will approve of their sins. If someone loves a lie, let them love the corporations and organizations that want to see fewer black children. If someone loves a lie, let them love the black poverty pimps they can fool with their rhetoric of tolerance. But, if someone loves a lie, be glad if they do not even like you – because if someone who loves a lie loves you, then you know you are on the wrong side.


Dr. Johnny M. Hunter is an advisor to the Virginia Christian Allians and is the President of Global Life & Family Mission, a ministrydedicated to promoting traditional family values, racial harmony, and the survival ofchildren around the world. He is also the National Director of Life Education AndResource Network (LEARN, Inc.), a consortium of life affirming pro-family advocates,which is a prominent African-American evangelical pro-life ministry in the United States. Website: LEARN

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.