Rev. Thomas (Tom) C. Lacy

Tom C Lacy cropped

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Tom C Lacy croppedRev. Thomas (Tom) C. Lacy

Rockville, VA

Rev. Thomas (Tom) C. Lacy is Founder and Director, of New Hope Counseling Service

Generally, I describe myself in two categories. First, I am a rare breed. I am a native Richmonder; second, as a teacher/preacher. God never called me to pastor a church. I have, throughout 35 years of ministry, been in a teaching/counseling ministry.

Lakeside Baptist Church ordained me June 25, 1978. God called me into jail ministry. Good News Mission promoted me from volunteer to Chaplain at the Hanover County Jail where I served in various capacities 12 years.

In the early 80s God transitioned my ministry to family counseling specializing in pre-marital and marriage counseling. The Christian Counseling and Training Center, after I completed 3 ½ years on-the-job schooling and training, certified me March 7. 1987.

In July 1985 my wife, Pat, and I founded New Hope Counseling Service (NHCS), a VA non-profit with 501©3 status, offering free counseling in the Richmond area. We operate under guiding principles advanced by George Mueller: We have never asked anyone for anything for the ongoing work of the ministry, and we have never turned anyone away. To support this ministry, God expanded Pat’s hobby, family dog obedience training, into a business which has supported us over the years.

In April 2000 I founded Richmond Christians Who Write. We are a fellowship of believers providing encouragement as we develop our writing skills to spread God’s Word in many venues.

I self-published The Tie That Binds: Marriage How to Make it Last forever ©1997. Many articles on Bible-based problem solving, dating and marriage have been published locally and nationally from this textbook.

Living Principles from the Living Word: A Biblical Approach to Communication and Problem Solving, is the foundation of my teaching, counseling and writing ministries. This is a step-by-step plan containing a system of Bible verses, passages or principles teaching change, the anatomy of change, problems, the anatomy of problems, three things people do to solve problems that do not work and why they do not work, and three primary tools, which when properly applied, will lead to solving breakdowns in communication and problems.

Currently I am church historian at Winn’s Baptist Church founded July 4, 1776. In 2005 I published The Mysteries in the History of Winn’s Baptist Church. I’ve taught Sunday school at many levels for 49 years.

 Articles by Rev. Tom

  1. Problems Are Solutions In Disguise Up Until Now Everything You’ve Done Has Not Worked
  2. The Is No Change If There Is No Change
  3. You Can’t Steer a Parked Car
  4. Problems Are Solutions in Disguise
  5. Problem Solving 101
  6. Three Things People Do to Solve Problems
  7. How to Attack the Problem, Not the Person, Part I
  8. How to Attack the Problem, Not the Person, Part II
  9. Words Set In Motion Those Things Which Are Spoken
  10. Words  Communication:  A Two-Way Street
  11. Anger Management God’s Way
  12. Blame Keeps Wounds Open – Only Forgiveness Heals
  13. What Is On the Inside of You Makes a Difference in What You Hear
  14. Words Set In Motion Those Things Which Are Spoken
  15. Life’s Four Tires: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual
  16. Part One: How To Identify Unresolved Anger and Resentments
  17. Part Two: How To Identify Unresolved Anger and Resentments
  18. Defining Walls of Resentments
  19. Breaking Down the Walls of Resentments
  20. Whose problem is it? Did I cause it? Can I help?
  21. The Hardest Thing to Give is IN
  22. A Negative Approach to a Positive Response
  23. Practicing Living Principles from the Living Word in Marriage
  24. What Makes Your Spouse TICK not What Ticks Your Spouse
  25. Know What Makes Your Spouse Tick Not What Ticks Your Spouse: The Two Elements of Personal Worth
  26. How to Maintain the Proper Balance of Security and Significance in Marriage
  27. Have Predetermined Prerequisites for Marriage
  28. Communication Breakdown
  29. The A, B, Cs of a Negative Approach to a Positive Response
  30. Learning to Say “I do” Again
  31. Marriage: Learning and Doing the Will of God
  32. Biblical Submission
  33. God’s Plan for the Family
  34. Six Biblical Ground Rules for the Family
  35. First Biblical Ground Rule for the Family
  36. Every Problem Has a Source and a Solution
  37. Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth
  38. The Third Least Source of Our Problems
  39. The Number One Source of Our Problems
  40. Husband and Wife Role Reversal
  41. Six Reasons Marriages Fail: Reason 2: Money
  42. Six Reasons Marriages Fail: Reason 3: Sex
  43. Six Reasons Marriages Fail: Reason 4: In-laws
  44. Six Reasons Marriages Fail: Number 5: Religion
  45. Six Reasons Marriages Fail: Reason 6:Life-dominating Sin
  46. The Problem Is They’re Killing the Solution to Social Security’s Demise
  47. Marriage: Whose Plan Is It?

Words of Wisdom from Marriage Counselor: Problems Are Solutions In Disguise

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About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.